Activities at Brookfield Care Home

Our Activities coordinator dedicates her time on getting feedback from our residents of what they like to do. We have introduced paper mornings which involves group discussions and an active mind, and we also have a variety of entertainers that come in on a weekly basis. We hold a residents quiz once a week as it is one of our more popular activities, we now call it the Big Quiz due to its popularity.

It is important that we involve the community and family in many of our activities. We have the local rugby club heritage centre coming in once a week to do Bocci (indoor bowls) and seated exercise. We also hold cheese and wine evenings for family and residents which are very popular. Here at Brookfield we pride ourselves on the fabulous bond our activity coordinator has with all our residents as they are as happy to see her each morning as she is to see her friends.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Brookfield Care Home

1,2,3,4,5 – Once I Caught A fish Alive…

When Terry was asking how the fish in our pond were, who better than to take him out to see for himself, than Jimmy our Maintenance Manager.

They had a good chat about how the fish were growing and the quality of the water in the pond and how the fish seemed very content. Then came the job of counting them..... not an easy task but the number decided on was 42!!!!

Making the Connection

We have discovered that the residents enjoy some friendly competition, dominoes has always been a firm favourite. Residents were introduced to the strategy game Connect 4, on the giant frame and thoroughly enjoyed several rounds.

Betty and Eric were particularly keen and no matter how hard Eric tried to be one step ahead it was Betty’s lucky red tokens which gave her the win.

Joe Brings the Party to Brookfield

Our ladies and gents had an afternoon filled with music & laughter as they welcomed Joe Ashton, or was it Elvis, you’re never quite sure with Joe's many costume changes to suit the song, for his Brookfield debut!

Joe entertained residents with his unique prop filled show, residents were delighted as he took on the persona to match the song, keeping residents, singing, smiling, clapping, dancing, all joining in with the party feel that Joe brought with him.

Floral Gifts

Lacey and Louis are regular visitors to Brookfield visiting Great Grandad, Peter, other residents enjoy seeing their smiling faces and joining in with the joy that comes with the children.

On one of their recent visits they delighted residents with gifts of a flower each, this kind thoughtful gesture brought lots of warmth & happiness as Lacey & Louis handed the flowers out to the ladies and gents in the lounge.

The Cats Whiskers

Our own resident cat here at Brookfield, Ziggy, is one very spoilt feline he loves being part of everything that's going on but not as much as he loves his cuddles.

Any One for Tennis

The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club opened their doors in July for the stars of the sport as Wimbledon started, sadly, even after some rigorous training, none of the Brookfield players made the list this year. This did not deter the ladies and gents continuing their love for some indoor balloon tennis!