Types of care

At Barchester, we celebrate life and make sure the people we support do too. We do this by treating everyone as individuals, and always tailoring our services and support to meet their needs. Whether it's a few hours help a week or 24-hour care, our assistance is consistently top quality and person-centred. From registered care and nursing services to respite care, assisted and independent living, at Barchester, the people we support only ever receive the best.

Residential care


Residential care offers the perfect way to give someone as much of that independence back, giving them the added security of care professionals' 24-hour personal care.






Find out more about residential care

Dementia care


Individuals living with dementia may require extra, or specialised care and support, especially as their symptoms develop over time. Dementia care accommodates for these specific needs when nursing or residential care is not enough, with a focus on improving well-being and assisting people to continue living a fulfilled life with activities they love.

Find out more about dementia care

Nursing care


Nursing care is for older individuals who require 24-hour medical care as well as personal living needs. This may include individuals who need intensive rehabilitative care, individuals who need peg feeding, individuals with physical disabilities, and individuals with long-term health conditions. 



Find out more about nursing care

Respite care


Also referred to as short stay, respite care is temporary living arrangement at a care home. Respite care and short term stays provide an opportunity to trial the care home experience, and is often the first step in moving from home care into permanent residency at a care home. 


Find out more about respite care

Assisted living 


Assisted living enables you to live in the comfort and privacy of your own home, safe in the knowledge that support is available if and when required. This can include assistance with washing, cleaning, cooking, getting in or out of bed, and support with medication. 


Find out more about assisted living

Mental Health


Barchester Healthcare operates a number of independent mental health hospitals across England. The range of services available differs between each hospital.





Search for a Barchester hospital

Choosing the right care

Once a care requirement is clear the next step is choosing the right home to meet those needs. Important areas to consider are services, facilities, location, atmosphere and home environment. The best way to feel reassured about the decision you are making is to visit one of our care homes in advance where you can look around, talk to our staff and get answers to the questions that are most important to you.

Many of our care homes are happy to arrange a trial stay to help both carers and those in need of care decide whether it is the right place for them. Please feel free to browse our website for more information on our services and for contact details to our individual homes, where you can arrange a visit direct.

finding the right care

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Award-winning care for over 25 years

Help & advice

You can find a range of helpful resources that we have compiled in collaboration with our care experts at Barchester, we’re always happy to discuss next steps when you feel it’s time to move to a care home.

Help & advice

Whether it's a few hours help a week or 24-hour care, our assistance is consistently top quality and person-centred. From registered care and nursing services to respite care, assisted and independent living, at Barchester, the people we support only ever receive the best.

Find your local Barchester care home