Activities at Lindum House Care Home

Our fantastic Activities Coordinators make sure that there is a full programme of social events to suit all interests and capabilities. They aim to not only to stimulate, but to ensure that everyone involved has lots of fun. We enjoy trips out visiting local places of interest or just to explore, which inevitably ends up with us having a lovely lunch somewhere.

There are regular concerts that we hold in the home that allows us to have a good old singalong, and our community links include the local churches, knit and natter groups and toddler groups coming in to see residents.

On a daily basis, everyone enjoys a variety of activities, including quizzes, bingo, arts and crafts, reminiscing and movement to music. We also host movie afternoons on the big screen which, of course, involves popcorn and ice cream at the interval!

Any residents who are unable to join us in the communal areas for activities have one-to-one time in their rooms, with us either reading to them, chatting or anything else they wish to do that’s within their capabilities.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Kelly Rolph

Activities Co-ordinator

Hi there, I'm Kelly. My role at Lindum House ensures all of our residents always have lots of fun activities to look forward too.

I grew up down south, my parents worked in news trade & I've lived in many places! I've lived in hull for 20 years now, worked in health and social care for around 15 years, I started on care, worked through domestic, kitchen assistant and found my calling with activities!

I'm a super social person, enjoy being busy and sing in my spare time. I am part of a small singing charity group 'guise & gals'. I've been singing karaoke since I was 18 but never had the confidence to take it any further. I do, however, love putting on a show for our residents! 

I'm a strong believer in 'treat people how you wish to be treated' everyone is different and it's important to focus on each individuals wants and needs, to encourage and nurture life, you only live once!

I'm full of energy, providing there is music... it's good for my soul!

Our residents smiles are my reward, it makes me so happy to see them enjoying them selves.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Lindum House Care Home

Joint celebrations at Lindum House

Here at Lindum House two residents celebrated reaching their 90th Birthday on the same day on Friday 8th October.

Pat Allan and Tom Appleyard, residents at Lindum House care home in Beverley, were overjoyed to celebrate this day together.

The home held a combined surprised birthday party for Pat and Tom, and there was a huge birthday cake, and live entertainment from George England in honour of their 90th birthdays.

Pat titled the celebrations, ‘saying goodbye to the 80’s’

General Manager at Lindum House care home, said: “It is wonderful to be able to celebrate this occasion with these residents who love life and enjoy having fun.”


Home donates to charity for Harvest

Residents, loved ones, friends and staff members at Lindum House celebrated the Harvest Festival by donating a food hamper to a local church.

The occasion was also marked with singing of hymns with light refreshments. Which really helped everyone at the home get into the spirit of the festival. Food donations brought in by visitors were gifted to local church, Beverley Minster, which were very well-received.

The Harvest Festival is a celebration of food grown on land and, traditionally, a time for families and communities to get together and bring food to the less fortunate. It dates back to the fifth century, where it was common for the harvest season to be celebrated with a huge feast – and from then the tradition grew and evolved.

Shana Edwards, Acting General Manager at Lindum House, said: “Staff, residents and friends of the home all donated very generously to the harvest hamper and it really is heart-warming to see how much people care about helping others who are less fortunate. Thanks to everyone who contributed. It will all be distributed to where it is needed most within our community."

Monkeying around for World Animal Day

Staff and residents at Barchester’s Lindum House care home in beverley were having a whale of a time when they celebrated World Animal Day on October 4th.

World Animal Day is an annual global event to celebrate all animals across the world.  It aims to raise awareness of the importance of animal welfare and endeavours to raise standards for all animals around the globe.

Residents had a brilliant time learning about all different kinds of animals and their habitats, they watched nature programmes, and held a quiz about the different collective nouns for animals some of which were downright bizarre!

International Day of Sign Language

To mark International Day of Sign Language on September 23rd and to learn some new skills, staff and residents at Lindum House care home, in Beverley, enjoyed a Sign Language demonstration.

Staff and residents learnt some basic sign language with a gentleman called Alan Ruane, who aim’s to teach our staff and residents British Sign Language (BSL). They have BSL lessons, tutorials, quizzes, vocabulary builders, videos for early learners and videos from the Deaf community to help everyone learn how to sign.  Staff and residents found it challenging but fun!

Learning new skills is important, and fantastic for mental well-being. Learning BSL and other languages has a positive effect on interpersonal, communication and memory skills as well as making it easier to learn other languages.

The wonderful world of wine

We had a lovely time joining Hospitality Manager, Christophe Noel and special guests Lee Isaacs DipWSET and Nick Parker from Unity Wines and Spirits – as they introduced us to wine tasting techniques, the history of wine and wine making, as well as consumer attitudes.

Our residents had the opportunity to try a variety of wines from sparkling and white to rose and red, alongside a selection of delicious treats. 

It was a wonderful experience, enjoyed by all.   

Home mark's Housekeeping Week

Residents at Lindum House care home in Beverley, run by Barchester Healthcare, are celebrating Housekeeping Week, which takes place from September 12-18. Residents wanted to thank all the wonderful housekeeping staff at the home, whose hard work and dedication make a real difference to the lives of those living there.

Housekeeping Week is an annual event held every year during the second week in September.  The week is dedicated to recognising the efforts of hard-working housekeeping staff around the world. 

 Residents and staff reminisced about how housekeeping has changed during their lifetime, residents talked about when they first got domestic appliances such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners, and how their lives were changed by advances in technology over the years.

Upcoming events

Pre-bookable Respite Care

Are you thinking about booking a holiday and want peace of mind that your loved one is going to be cared for in a home you can book with up to 12 months in advance? We can help.

Coffee Mornings at Lindum House

Come along for a relaxed morning enjoying some homemade sweet treats and hot drinks.

Please contact us if you would like to come along.

Emergency Services - Take a break with us!

Calling all emergency services workers - take a break on us. We will have tea, coffee and maybe a cake or two!

Could you be a Volunteer?

We recognise the impact a Volunteer can make on the lives of our residents, do you have any spare time? For more information we'd love to hear from you.