Activities at Cherry Blossom Manor Care Home

Activities at Cherry Blossom Manor are delivered using the whole home approach, where there is never a dull moment. Our Activities team take great care to make sure that our residents, resident’s families and staff’s physical, mental, and social well-being are taken into account. Whether it is a group session or a personal-centred activity you can be certain it is meeting a need.

We have our regular activities such as Scrabble Club, Bingo, Zumba, Gardening Club, Movie Time, family support meetings, Residents meetings and many more. We are also known for our theme days where the whole home likes to dress up. We have even been known in the past to go for a drive in the minibus in our costumes!

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Lydie Bach

Activities Coordinator

Hello. My name is Lydie. I am the Activities Coordinator here at Cherry Blossom Manor.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Cherry Blossom Manor Care Home

65th Wedding Anniversary

This Month Residents, Families & Staff Joined Sue and her Husband Geoff in celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary.  As well as Decorations in Sue’s room, staff also decorated one of our Lounges with banners, balloons and table decorations for them to enjoy a romantic meal together.



Our Ladies on memory lane can often be found on our balconies, taking care of their hanging baskets with Pride. Gardening Activities are rich in Reminiscence, Sensory and communication. All good for the Mind, Body & Soul.

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Ice Cream!

Residents are visited by the Activities team with Ice-creams and lollies of all flavours during the heatwave. Previously to get an idea of flavours, residents took part in an ice cream quiz and Reminiscence session. We had favourites such as ; Mint Choc Chip, Honey Combe, Rum and Raisin, vanilla with Strawberry Sauce and good old Choc Ices.


Classically Trained Violinist Liz play to our residents in our court yard

A visit to the duck pond

Manager Gigi takes time out of her busy schedule to join the Lifestyle team and her residents for a visit to the local duck pond. Residents explaining the rules to her how as a family we all look out for each other.


Eastrop Park

Our resident Roma expressed a wish to take a paddle, so her wish was granted in a group outing to Local Eastrop Park where Roma and other Residents enjoyed a walk around the various lakes and a picnic provided by our chef.