Activities at Cherry Trees Care Home

Our activities team are constantly striving to mentally and physically stimulate those we support by organising group and individual social events for anyone and everyone to participate in. There are regular outings in the minibus to nearby places of interest, including the local theatre, as well as visits from Pat dogs, musicians and entertainers. We also host bingo, quiz and knitter natter afternoons that we encourage relatives and the local community to attend. Our Gentleman's Club is also open to non-residents every Thursday afternoon from 2:30pm, join us for a tipple of your choice, we have plenty of snacks and chats. For the ladies, our beauty salon provides; hairdressing and nail pampering, you too can enjoy a drink and some well-deserved 'me' time. Activities are one of the most important aspects of a care home, so it is essential that our team are dedicated to ensuring that residents are entertained, and that life at Cherry Trees is fun and active.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Carly Marshall

Activities Lead

Carly joined Cherry Trees in March 2023. Her whole life has been working in the care sector and now as lead activity  coordinator, Carly said ‘ I absolutely love my role here. I have a real passion to enrich the lives of our residents and make them as special as they can be. I really love to see the faces of our residents when we make these ideas we have come to life, it’s just a  magical and rewarding job and I can honestly say I’ve found my forever home’

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Cherry Trees Care Home

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2024 Olympic Games Regional Event!!

Residents and staff here at Cherry Trees have been cheering on Team GB throughout the Paris Olympics. Our home has been decked out with flags and residents have been enjoying all the action over the past two weeks. We have absolutely  loved seeing all of our amazing Olympians progress and on Friday enjoyed hosting our very own grand finale celebration here at Cherry Trees!!

Our residents, staff and guests all enjoyed a fabulous array of amazing foods, drinks, entertainment and company!! We laughed, danced and ate until our hearts content and we couldn’t be more proud of everyone who helped to make the day so truly special!

A special thank you to our 10 sister homes for all your hard work crafting our 5 Olympic Rings which came together yesterday, but also for coming along to join in the party with all your wonderful residents. So much fun was had by all. Another huge thank you to Beccie Marshall and to Tom for proving such brilliant entertainment, we are so lucky to have Tom Riando as one of our talented, Senior Carers here at Cherry Trees adding such a magical touch to our event.

What an honour it was to hold and wear a real, gold medal from the 2000 Sydney Olympics! As you can see from the smiles on our residents faces, they loved going for gold!

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Peter’s 100th Birthday!!

What a fantastic week of celebrations for Peter who joined our 100 club this week!

For 100 beautiful years Peter has brought so many happy memories to many lives and deserved only the best celebrations!

On Tuesday Peter enjoyed a fun filled day here at Cherry Trees with close friends, family, live music, cake and his favourite, red wine! Peter also received over 176 cards from so many wonderful and kind hearted people across the world alongside many generous gifts. A special gift came from Alcester Scout Group who hand delivered a fabulous cake and an engraved model of a plane. Peter was also extremely delighted to receive a special card from the King alongside many heartfelt and crafted cards from children, many other care homes and more.

Peter later enjoyed a trip down memory lane back to his old local pub, The Holly Bush where his friends shared many laughs describing Peter as being ‘the same old Peter, always up to no good and trying his luck!’

To end Peter’s 100th celebration, on Saturday we had a very special visit here at Cherry Trees from the Mayor and the Mayoress of Alcester. They were also joined by some of Peter’s family and friends along with Alcester Court Leet and the President of Alcester Lions. Our residents all enjoyed a lovely afternoon reminiscing over old times and photographs, whilst enjoying great company, more cake and Peter’s favourite, more wine!

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Classic Car Show at Cherry Trees care home!!

Motor enthusiast residents and staff at Cherry Trees care home, in Alcester, were hosts to the members the wonderful Stratford and Henley Classic Car Club who brought their magnificent vintage cars along for the day, for all to admire. The oldest car being a Hilma Minx, 1957. It brought back many young, romantic memories for some, remembering times travelling in style, coupled up cosy with their first loves!

Marjorie said, ‘my husband always loved restoring old cars, it used to be one of his favourite hobbies when we were younger so it was lovely to be able to look at the cars and chat to the owners today.’

Staff and residents were delighted to invite them along to show off their wonderful cars and to talk to residents and visitors about them.  Everyone had a fantastic time comparing the merits of the different makes and models and discussing their histories. Lots of our residents are car enthusiasts so they loved being able to look at the cars and chat to their owners. 

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Scoops of Joy at Cherry Trees care home!!

This Sunday we are celebrating National Ice Cream Day by inventing our very own ice cream sundae! We embraced the joy and nostalgia that ice cream brings, creating a memorable experience for everyone!


Amongst many names and lots of giggles, ‘Cherry Bomb Sundae’ took the favourite! Cherry; from our very own happy home Cherry Trees and Bomb; the taste explosion from eating our masterpiece’ said Marjorie. Whisking up a delightful treat, our residents mixed, mashed and munched many ingredients including strawberry and vanilla ice cream, Millac Gold Double Cream, sprinkles, coulis and cherries!  

Our day was filled with a variety of delicious ice cream treats and residents had the opportunity to indulge in their favourite toppings, all while sharing stories and laughter with friends and staff.

National Ice Cream Day is not just about the sweet treats, it's about creating moments of happiness and connection. We had a day filled with laughter, joy, and of course, lots of ice cream. We certainly celebrated in style and created lasting memories that will warm our hearts long after the last scoop is enjoyed.

Cherry Trees Keepsake Tree

From strong roots grow beautiful leaves – our Cherry Trees Keepsake Tree takes pride of place here at Cherry Trees showcasing and remembering the presence of all our wonderful residents. Every piece tells a story and our tree, made up from collected memorabilia including jewellery, clothes, accessories and much more, holds a tremendous amount of sentimental value to all.

Harold Heard, a farmer who called Cherry Trees home for many years, left behind 3 small pieces of straw – can you spot them? Harold had a wonderful room looking out onto our beautiful fields which he very much loved.

Our Cherry Trees Keepsake Tree is full of carefully crafted treasures from residents who are no longer with us, holding a very special place in our hearts and a keepsake memory for all.

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A Visit from Local Ponies

Our home was full of animal mischief and love when a couple of Shetland ponies came to visit the home.

Residents at Cherry Trees were pleasantly surprised to see their new furry friends roaming around the home as Lollypop and Tinkerbell, from Lollypop Pony Parties paid us a visit.

Our residents have thoroughly enjoyed their unusual visit today. We knew that having the ponies here would be a bit of a fun for all our residents, especially as some find it difficult to go on many outings in our minibus. We are always looking for life enriching activities for our residents and today we have seen the enjoyment and therapeutic influence animals can have on people.

Sheila was very excited about our very special visit which brough back many happy memories from her childhood: ‘As a child I was evacuated to a house in Wales which was situated near a cancel. Just down from the canal lived some absolutely gorgeous ponies who gave me so many happy moments in my childhood, memories I love to cherish’.  Peter very much enjoyed feeding Tinkerbell an apple and said, ‘today was very enjoyable, it’s wonderful to see the animals free to roam amongst our home’.

Upcoming events

Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em - Virtual Event

The Barn Theatre in the Cotswolds is streaming its stage adaptation of this beloved sitcom straight in to our lounge, for us to enjoy from the comfort of our armchairs.

Barchester's Big Quiz - Live Virtual Event

Calling all quizzers!

Join us for an exciting quiz to test your general knowledge and see who is the biggest brainbox of them all!