Activities at Cherry Trees Care Home

Our activities team are constantly striving to mentally and physically stimulate those we support by organising group and individual social events for anyone and everyone to participate in. There are regular outings in the minibus to nearby places of interest, including the local theatre, as well as visits from Pat dogs, musicians and entertainers. We also host bingo, quiz and knitter natter afternoons that we encourage relatives and the local community to attend. Our Gentleman's Club is also open to non-residents every Thursday afternoon from 2:30pm, join us for a tipple of your choice, we have plenty of snacks and chats. For the ladies, our beauty salon provides; hairdressing and nail pampering, you too can enjoy a drink and some well-deserved 'me' time. Activities are one of the most important aspects of a care home, so it is essential that our team are dedicated to ensuring that residents are entertained, and that life at Cherry Trees is fun and active.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Carly Marshall

Activities Lead

Carly joined Cherry Trees in March 2023. Her whole life has been working in the care sector and now as lead activity  coordinator, Carly said ‘ I absolutely love my role here. I have a real passion to enrich the lives of our residents and make them as special as they can be. I really love to see the faces of our residents when we make these ideas we have come to life, it’s just a  magical and rewarding job and I can honestly say I’ve found my forever home’

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Cherry Trees Care Home


Making Wishes Come True

At cherry trees Care home we pride ourselves on making our residents wishes come true, our residents not only have a wish tree where they write down what their wishes, dreams and hopes but also a beautiful wishing well made by our amazing volunteer Malcolm Jackson. Residents can choose to attach their wishes to a branch on our wish tree and hope their wishes come true.

On Tuesday 25th June we had a fun Day out at the beach with our lovely residents, a Wish granted for residents Marjorie and Joan, as they wrote on our wish tree “we would love to have a day at the beach, walk along the pier and feel the sand between our toes. To smell the sea air like we did when we were children, to be free for the day and feel just like a child again.”

We had so much fun singing in the mini bus before we got there, we took their hats, sun cream and plenty of water. What a lovely day we had; Joan was like a six-year-old child again with no worries in the world. It was so lovely to see the ladies having such a fantastic time and being a part of making their wish come true just makes me so proud to be able to be a part of it.

When returning back to Cherry Trees, the ladies talked of nothing more than the lovely day they had, they thanked us for ensuring that life at Cherry Trees was never boring, there is always something to do and a dream to grant. It was definitely a day our lovely residents will hold dear to their hearts with lots of memories made and lots more wishes we can grant!

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Ladies Day out shopping trip

On the 19th June we enjoyed a fabulous morning treating some of our lovely ladies to a visit to The Valley - Evesham.

Shirley adored looking at all the clothes and we shared some giggles trying to pick out the perfect summer hat! Joan, who is a keen gardener loved looking at all the beautiful flowers, especially the hydrangeas and all the beautiful colours.

Marjorie said ‘It was so lovely to be out walking with my friends doing normal things’ and asked If we can come back again soon for a real good shopping spree!

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Cherry Trees celebrates D Day

WOW what a day!!

We very much welcomed the sunshine here at Cherry Trees for our wonderful D Day Courtyard Party!!

Thank you to everyone who came along and celebrated with us and to the lovely Tóra Wilson who provided the most wonderful entertainment. Our residents and staff have had the best time singing, dancing, laughing, indulging and remembering together!

Sheila said ‘We want to party like this every week!!'

Joan said 'we don't want to go back inside! It's been the best afternoon!'

Greg & John Ride It!

On the 15th September 2024 Greg Wilk our head of maintenance and John Osborne the husband of our general manager Debbie Osborne are taking part in a London to Brighton cycle – 55 mile course. Once they are out of London, they predominantly cycle along quiet country lanes passing through Mitcham, Carshalton, Chipstead, Banstead and Haywards Heath before taking on the challenge that is Ditchling Beacon – a mile long climb to the top of the South Downs where they will be rewarded with amazing views and a water break! Greg and John will set off at 9am and we at Cherry Trees will be all rooting for them.

Both Greg and John are no stranger to a challenge, Greg previously did a triathlon in July 2023, both took on a bike ride In August 2023 and Greg tells us he’s hoping to compete in the Ironman contest. Greg said "it's definitely on my bucket list and I won't be happy until I complete it, it's my dream"

John is a keen cyclist and very passionate about taking part in this event and raising money for Alzheimer’s Society. Both Johns father and father-in-law have been diagnosed with Dementia and sadly John’s father-in-law passed away in 2016, John feels he wants to do this new challenge in honour of his late father-in-law and his own father who is currently living with Dementia.

We wish you all the luck in the world Greg and John, and we can't wait to hear all about it!

All monies raised will be donated to Alzheimer’s society a charity very close to all of our hearts.

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Dementia Awareness Week

This year Dementia Awareness Week runs from 14th–20th May, and the Alzheimer’s Society is asking everyone across the UK to unite against dementia. As we know, dementia is set to increase dramatically over the next few years but awareness and understanding remains low, with many families often facing it alone. That’s why during the week everyone is being encouraged to come together and take action… to raise awareness, offer help and understanding, improve care and most urgently help others to find a cure. This week we decided to turn Cherry Trees Blue for the duration of Dementia action week! Monday we celebrated world cocktail Day with of course our signature Blue cocktails and a good general knowledge quiz, Tuesday we planted an array of Blue forget-me-nots. Wednesday we had international Day of families where we enjoyed a good Blue inspired singalong with live entertainment. Thursday was a crafting Day where residents made Blue forget-me-not flowers using resin and we shared our favourite poems. Friday we ended our amazing Dementia week with ‘Time for a cuppa’ where visitors joined us for cake and cuppas and we had the incredible kitchen staff make the most delicious cake for our guess the weight competition. It really was a magical week and all monies raised will be sent to Dementia UK.

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Celebrating VE Day

Cherry Trees care home in Alcester marked the anniversary of Victory in Europe Day in style by throwing a 1940s afternoon court yard party to remember.  The home was decorated in red, white and blue and residents and staff dressed up in their 1940s-inspired glad rags and enjoyed an afternoon of music from Beccie Marshall and our own senior carer Tom Riando, it was a day of singing and dancing.

Head chef Chris Aston whipped up a delicious selection of sandwiches, cakes and pastries for the occasion, all washed down with pots of tea and a celebratory glass of fizz to mark the occasion. 

Residents observed the national two minute silence and listened again to Churchill’s iconic speech accepting Germany’s surrender and an address from the Queen. They reminisced about their memories of VE Day and watched clips of the celebrations that took place outside Buckingham Palace and all across London.

Debbie Osborne, General Manager at Cherry Trees said: “Many of our residents can remember the end of the war and we all know what it meant for our country so we wanted to celebrate the date and listen to our residents memories of the war and the experiences they lived through.”

Joan, resident at Cherry Trees care home said: “I remember all the family gathering around the radio to listen to Churchill’s speech telling us the war was over, it still gives me goosebumps now, such an important date.  It was wonderful to reminisce and to celebrate with all the staff and residents here, we’ve all had such fun and lots of cake!”

Upcoming events

Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em - Virtual Event

The Barn Theatre in the Cotswolds is streaming its stage adaptation of this beloved sitcom straight in to our lounge, for us to enjoy from the comfort of our armchairs.

Barchester's Big Quiz - Live Virtual Event

Calling all quizzers!

Join us for an exciting quiz to test your general knowledge and see who is the biggest brainbox of them all!