Activities at Cherry Trees Care Home

Our activities team are constantly striving to mentally and physically stimulate those we support by organising group and individual social events for anyone and everyone to participate in. There are regular outings in the minibus to nearby places of interest, including the local theatre, as well as visits from Pat dogs, musicians and entertainers. We also host bingo, quiz and knitter natter afternoons that we encourage relatives and the local community to attend. Our Gentleman's Club is also open to non-residents every Thursday afternoon from 2:30pm, join us for a tipple of your choice, we have plenty of snacks and chats. For the ladies, our beauty salon provides; hairdressing and nail pampering, you too can enjoy a drink and some well-deserved 'me' time. Activities are one of the most important aspects of a care home, so it is essential that our team are dedicated to ensuring that residents are entertained, and that life at Cherry Trees is fun and active.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Carly Marshall

Activities Lead

Carly joined Cherry Trees in March 2023. Her whole life has been working in the care sector and now as lead activity  coordinator, Carly said ‘ I absolutely love my role here. I have a real passion to enrich the lives of our residents and make them as special as they can be. I really love to see the faces of our residents when we make these ideas we have come to life, it’s just a  magical and rewarding job and I can honestly say I’ve found my forever home’

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Cherry Trees Care Home

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Green-Fingered Support

Our volunteer Malcolm (partner of a resident) has kindly offered to help keep the grounds around the front of the home tidy and looking lovely, he enjoys he’s bacon butty and cuppa as a massive ‘thank you’ from us all.

We believe they're good enough for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, and as soon as restrictions are lifted, you're all invited to come and taking a meander through the gardens to see the results of Malcolm’s hard work for yourself.


Ice Cream and Lollies for all

Our activities coordinator; Jo-Anne and Chloe Brookes, a carer on our Memory Lane community created a unique way to treat all our lovely residents to a nostalgia ice cream without leaving home. Everyone likes to hear the ice cream tunes coming through the corridors on those sunny days ready to keep the staff and residents hydrated.


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Tailored to invigorate or relax

As part of our weekly activities program, Jo-Anne offers our residents both music and movement for those wishing to get active, and a wonderful sensory session using magical light-shows and soothing musical rhythms helping them to relax.

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Positive Words of Kindness

The Cherry Trees staff and residents have been overwhelmed by the many cards, pictures and letters they've received from the local community in Alcester. Their 'Positivity' board is bursting with goodwill messages and thanks. The staff are encouraged by each and every message, and send their love and best wishes back to everyone to stay safe.

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Jigsaw Fun

Sarah on Memory Lane, spent time with our residents helping with their hand - eye coordination by supporting them to complete jigsaw puzzles. The look of achievement on their faces when the full picture appeared was so special to see.  

March Employee of the Month

Rachel Hale has been nominated by her peers to be employee of the month for March 2020.  Rachel's nomination came from her continued hardworking and dedication to the cleanliness of our home, she takes pride in her vital role and we thank her for always going the extra mile. 

Congratulations Rachel, on a much deserved award.

Upcoming events

Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em - Virtual Event

The Barn Theatre in the Cotswolds is streaming its stage adaptation of this beloved sitcom straight in to our lounge, for us to enjoy from the comfort of our armchairs.

Barchester's Big Quiz - Live Virtual Event

Calling all quizzers!

Join us for an exciting quiz to test your general knowledge and see who is the biggest brainbox of them all!