Activities at Cubbington Mill Care Home

Every day we run different activities throughout our home. The activities are designed and adapted to each individuals personal needs. The activities are designed to mentally and physically stimulate the people we care for and also to enhance their life skills and feelings of purpose and self-worth. The activities encourage interaction on a one to one basis, in small groups, in large groups and some are designed for the whole home including staff to be involved in.

We are registered with the National Activity Providers Association (NAPA) which ensures we are able to achieve and continually progress to enhance the quality of life for those we support in the home. We provide entertainers such as singers, musicians, magicians, puppeteers, poets and dancers. We also have regular exercise classes and arts and craft classes. Relatives and visitors will be able to see what me make in these classes on display around the home. We have regular trips out on the mini bus to visit garden centres, enjoy high tea, visit the butterfly farm and spend the day at the zoo with a picnic. We encourage the local community, schools, colleges and relatives to come and join us for activities, tea and cake and to visit to share their skills as much as possible. 

Staff from across the home are always willing to help and share their knowledge and skills across a whole range of activities we have had everything from carers preforming Bollywood style dancing to cooking classes from the chef. We feel activities are a vital part of the residents lives to ensure they are stimulated mentally and entertained.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Rose Tucker

Activities Coordinator

Hi my name is Rose and I am the activities coordinator at Cubbington Mill!

I have been working in care since I was 17 and very passionate about my role, always trying to do bigger & better. I am one of Cubbington Mills Dementia Champions. I'm very privileged to work with the wonderful people and residents at Barchester's Cubbington Mill and hope we all make some lovely memories together! I LOVE to find out about residents interests & hobbies through tools like the “Getting To Know Me Booklets”. 

We are always open to new ideas. If you would like to get involved in any of our Life Enrichment activities or have a skill, or project you'd like to share with our residents, please click here to contact me direct. New entertainers and community links are always welcome.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Cubbington Mill Care Home

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International Jazz Day

International Jazz Day is celebrated on April 30th and highlights the diplomatic role jazz plays in uniting people from all corners of the globe. Jazz music was originally a blend of African, Latin and European forms and styles that first became popular in the 1920s. Staff and residents at the home marked the day with a performance from Jazz clarinet player, Tim Dutton. Tim performed classic’s such as Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and more for residents to sing along to.

General Manager, Laura Russell said: “Lots of our residents are big jazz fans so we had to celebrate International Jazz Day! They really enjoyed requesting their favourite tunes for Tim to play, reminiscing about how they came to love jazz and what it meant to them at different times of their lives. I think we also had some jazz converts today!”

Betty, a resident at the home said: “I have always loved jazz, I think the clarinet has to be my favourite instrument. It has been lovely to find out about the origins of jazz and listen to lots of different styles. I find jazz really relaxing.”

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It's a Pug's Life

Our residents and staff had a surprise visit from Activities Coordinator; Hannah's little pug baby 'Ava' who delighted them with her wiggly wagging tail and contented snorting at every cuddle.

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Snack & Chat Fun with Friends

It is so important for residents at Cubbington Mill to relish the friendship of the local and wider community. That’s why we’re a part of the Cubbington and District OAP Association and enjoy regular trips to the village hall to meet likeminded people! Local groups provide residents with more opportunities to independently meet and make friends with people outside of the home.

Residents recently joined in the association’s ‘Snack & Chat’ afternoon where they enjoyed tea and cakes, games and a raffle. Both staff and residents look forward to joining in the upcoming events provided and inviting their new friends to events and activities happening at Cubbington Mill!

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Coco Visits Cubbington Mill

How lucky are we to have Activities Assistant; Marija on hand to bring her dog Coco and children into work to entertain our residents both two, and four-legged visitors were on their best behaviour and totally adorable.

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Our Easter Bunny Hunt Winners

Well done everyone, our Easter Bunny Hunt is officially over!

We hid 12 hand painted stones around the local area which when found could be exchanged for a chocolate Easter Egg. Children across Leamington spent their Easter holidays in the sunshine searching for the stones. Both staff and residents have absolutely loved seeing all the wonderful pictures sent in, here are some of the smiling faces from this year’s competition...

Well done to those who found a painted stone and a big thank you to everyone who got involved. Keep an eye out on our social media and website for more exciting events throughout the year!

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Celebrating World Creativity & Innovation Day with LEGO

Staff and residents at Barchester’s Cubbington Mill care home in Leamington had a wonderful time celebrating World Creativity & Innovation Day on 21 April 2022. The residents were super excited to be the first to trail a new and innovative interactive problem solving session using LEGO.

Our residents were tasked with creating their very own motorised fairground carousel courtesy of Lead STEM Instructor Maninder Kaur Laxhman, Young Engineers Warwick.

Young Engineers Warwick offer a series of programmes and workshops that provide theoretical knowledge and practical implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Now in their golden age our residents were unsure if they had the skills to create such a fascinating model. On handling each piece they were taken back to their younger days using plastic building blocks.

Maninder was amazing, she guided the group through every step. Working with the small building block pieces was at first a challenge for some, but soon they all found the dexterity and motor skills to handle and solve the puzzle. The joy on their faces in completing the model and flicking the switch to see every carousel come to life was ground-breaking.

It goes to show, whatever your age, learning new skills can enrich your life for the better. We look forward to working with Maninder and the Warwick Young Engineers on tailoring future workshops for the residents within each of our homes.

General Manager, Laura Russell, said: “We have all been inspired by Maninder and her workboxes full of Lego! It was so interesting to see how our residents would react and interact with the small plastic blocks, many have reduced dexterity yet excelled with minimal support. Watching the carousels in motion was a triumph for all participants. Our residents love to learn new things so they were really keen to get stuck in.”

Christine Clarke a resident, said: “I’ve not tried to use Lego since my children were young, I’m surprised how easy I found reading the instructions and managed to get the carousel spinning.”

Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active, and provides a daily choice of engaging physical, mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities