Activities at Cubbington Mill Care Home

Our teams are trained to enrich the lives of residents through stimulating the mind, body and soul, and taking the time to learn about each person to ensure everyone receives support that adds enrichment to their life. The activities encourage interaction on a one to one basis, in small groups, in large groups and some are designed for the whole home including staff to be involved in.

We are registered with the National Activity Providers Association (NAPA) which ensures we are able to achieve and continually progress to enhance the quality of life for those we support in the home. We provide entertainers such as singers, musicians, magicians, puppeteers, poets and dancers. We also have regular exercise classes and arts and craft classes. Relatives and visitors will be able to see what me make in these classes on display around the home. We have regular trips out on the mini bus to visit garden centres, enjoy high tea, visit the butterfly farm and spend the day at the zoo with a picnic. We encourage the local community, schools, colleges and relatives to come and join us for activities, tea and cake and to visit to share their skills as much as possible. 

Staff from across the home are always willing to help and share their knowledge and skills across a whole range of activities we have had everything from carers preforming Bollywood style dancing to cooking classes from the chef. We feel activities are a vital part of the residents lives to ensure they are stimulated mentally and entertained.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Rose Tucker

Activities Coordinator

Hi my name is Rose and I am the activities coordinator at Cubbington Mill!

I have been working in care since I was 17 and very passionate about my role, always trying to do bigger & better. I am one of Cubbington Mills Dementia Champions. I'm very privileged to work with the wonderful people and residents at Barchester's Cubbington Mill and hope we all make some lovely memories together! I LOVE to find out about residents interests & hobbies through tools like the “Getting To Know Me Booklets”. 

We are always open to new ideas. If you would like to get involved in any of our Life Enrichment activities or have a skill, or project you'd like to share with our residents, please click here to contact me direct. New entertainers and community links are always welcome.

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Cubbington Mill Care Home

A Royal Letter

A Royal Letter

Residents were all very excited to have received an official Buckingham Palace franked letter this week. We opened it together whilst having afternoon tea and cake; the letter was from Her Majesty, thanking us for the birthday card that all the residents here at Cubbington Mill had signed for the Queen on her 90th birthday. We are all delighted and feeling very, very privileged at the moment.

Garden Makeover

Garden Makeover

With the Chelsea Flower Show on this week, we took the opportunity at Cubbington Mill to do a garden make over. After looking through garden design books and discussing some ideas, we transformed our rockery garden into something a bit more interesting. We have included a cherub, crystals, a large ball, some solar lights and a few unusual grasses. The water feature makes it a little oasis. Residents are looking forward to sitting in our beautiful garden once the sun arrives. All the hanging baskets have now been put up by our wonderful maintenance man/expert gardener. Bring on the sun.

Pumpkin and Pluto Visit

Pumpkin and Pluto Visit

Pumpkins and Pluto came to spend Good Friday at Cubbington Mill. They sat with residents in the lounges, singing and chirping along to music before moving on to the reception area, they then joined in with the Bingo session in the afternoon. The budgies were a topic of conversation for some residents who were quite taken with them, bringing back some happy memories!

Arts and Crafts for Easter

Arts and Crafts for Easter

Residents painted and decorated eggs in bright colours with glitter and bows which were then hung on florist's twigs along with butterflies to symbolise the theme of the re-birth for Easter. The tree was then put on display in our dining room over the Easter period!

Spring is on it's Way!

Spring is on it's Way!

Art Class this week fell on St. David's Day (1st March) and so to celebrate the residents produced a new painting to put up in the dining room. A Spring theme, which includes sheep, daffodils around a blossom tree, green fields, a river with swans and a girl on a bicycle coming over a bridge. We even included a windmill, similar to the one at Chesterton which is just up the road from us. Chatting over tea and cake we decided perhaps Chesterton maybe a good place for a picnic in the summer on our mini bus this space!