Activities at Drummond Grange Care Home

We understand that the people we support have passions and interests that could be difficult to pursue after moving into a care home – but that doesn’t mean we don’t encourage them to try! Some hobbies can define a person, so our Activities Coordinators are dedicated to ensuring that everyone we support is able to do what makes them happy to the best of their abilities. Social events are organised with individual tastes in mind and with the idea that residents have the opportunity to try new and exciting things.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Katie Nicolson

Head of Activities

Katie Nicolson is our Head of activities here at Drummond since August 2023 beforehand she worked as an activity assistant in the home for two years. Before coming to Drummond Katie has worked in many care roles over the years and studied Psychology and Sociology at Queen Margaret’s University and was awarded a Degree of Bachelor of science in Psychology and Sociology at the start of 2022. Katie loves being part of the Activity department here at Drummond Grange and bringing new and exciting opportunities and experiences to the residents. When she’s not at work Katie is a local Girl Guide leader and youth leader for her churches youth group. 

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Drummond Grange Care Home

Resident celebrates 38th Wedding Anniversary

Paul Scoular and his wife Roseann celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary on the day of love, February 14th.

Paul, a resident at Drummond Grange care home in Lasswade was joined by his wife, Roseann in the homes designated visiting pod and told me that he “never gets the chance to forget their anniversary as it’s on Valentine’s Day”. The happy couple were married at East Preston Street Registry Office and still remember the day well.

Eleanor Wilson, General Manager at Drummond Grange care home, said: “It is lovely to be able to share in Paul & Roseann’s happiness and we hope that we will continue to do so for a long time to come”.

A whole new world of magic

Drummond Grange Home in Lasswade has recently brought a bit of magic to residents by providing a new ‘Magic Table 360 and the Happiness Programme’ as a way to improve residents’ quality of life.

Designed and manufactured in the UK, the Magic Table 360 uses interactive games to connect residents with staff and with each other, and research shows it improves the wellbeing of people living with dementia. Using interactive light projections, the Magic Table 360, which can be played independently or in a group, stimulates movement by inviting participants to take part in all sorts of different fun activities such as popping bubbles, playing the piano, colouring in pictures, sweeping leaves or interacting playfully with fish. Games are rich in colour, movement and detail, and allow people of all ages to play in a safe and comfortable environment.

The Magic Table 360 is portable so it can be used wherever residents feel most comfortable, it can be projected onto the floor, ceiling, walls, a whiteboard or even the bed. The Happiness Programme allows for a range of games that change seasonally and have country-specific versions covering 14 different categories, so there will always be something new for residents to try.

Burns celebrations at Drummond Grange

Drummond Grange care home in Lasswade prepared a traditional Burns Night Supper to the tune of bagpipe music ‘a Man’s a Man for aw that’ and capers continued well into the wee small hours! 

Staff and residents at the home were involved in a number of activities Reading Poetry written by the Bard and also listening to some of his Music to mark the Scottish institution, including giving the time-honoured address to the ‘Great chieftain O’ the pudding’ race’ – the Haggis. Due to restrictions we were unable to Pipe the Haggis in this year and had to improvise by using Music played through a speaker & mobile phone.


Resident shares experiences of using Braille

Resident, Rhoda Gourlay who has celebral palsy and is registered blind since she was 6-years old, took to the floor to give other residents a talk on using braille.  Rhoda who is self-taught also brought along a number of her own personal possessions to talk about.  These items includes her phone, talking watch, audio books, solitaire and cards all of which have braille on them.  In addition, the homes activities team brought along scrabble, food packaging, short bread and medication box.  Everyone enjoyed this informative session.

Rugby Club gives Christmas Cards to Residents

Residents, Drummond Grange Care Home received Christmas Cards from Broughton Ladies Rugby Club.

Ruth McClean from Broughton Ladies Rugby Club was in touch asking if they could send Christmas Cards to our Residents. Of course we are very grateful as this is a very difficult time for them.  The Cards were delivered by Lauren Park one of the girls from the team who said that they had just finished doing an 18 mile run round all the local Ladies Rugby Clubs to raise awareness of the Clubs.

Along with the Cards were Selection boxes, Shortbread and extra cards in case they were needed.

Mission Christmas Appeal

Residents, Staff & Visitors to Drummond Grange Care Home Helped to gather Christmas Gifts for Forth 1 Mission Appeal.

After hearing about the many children who for one reason or another would be without any presents the Staff decided that they all needed to help.  Posters went up around the Home and at the entrance door where everyone could see what was happening.

Visitors coming to have indoor designated visits from with their loved ones also helped by giving in gifts from themselves and on behalf of the resident.

The gifts all picked up on the 17th December were gratefully received by Forth 1 Mission adding that every child should be able to get at least something on Christmas Day.  We wish every Child a very Merry Christmas from all at Drummond Grange Care Home.