Activities at Drummond Grange Care Home

We understand that the people we support have passions and interests that could be difficult to pursue after moving into a care home – but that doesn’t mean we don’t encourage them to try! Some hobbies can define a person, so our Activities Coordinators are dedicated to ensuring that everyone we support is able to do what makes them happy to the best of their abilities. Social events are organised with individual tastes in mind and with the idea that residents have the opportunity to try new and exciting things.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Katie Nicolson

Head of Activities

Katie Nicolson is our Head of activities here at Drummond since August 2023 beforehand she worked as an activity assistant in the home for two years. Before coming to Drummond Katie has worked in many care roles over the years and studied Psychology and Sociology at Queen Margaret’s University and was awarded a Degree of Bachelor of science in Psychology and Sociology at the start of 2022. Katie loves being part of the Activity department here at Drummond Grange and bringing new and exciting opportunities and experiences to the residents. When she’s not at work Katie is a local Girl Guide leader and youth leader for her churches youth group. 

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Drummond Grange Care Home

Christmas tree gift from local community

Residents, Drummond Grange Care Home received a Christmas Tree from Midlothian Council and hand -made decorations from the pupils of Rosewell Primary School.

A Christmas tree was delivered and planted by Midlothian council.  The Pupils from Rosewell Primary school kindly made hand-made decorations to be hung on the tree.

The decorations had been given to a member of staff and the residents were excited to decorate the tree.

Eleanor Wilson General Manager at Drummond Grange said: “Residents were all delighted to receive the tree and the decorations from the Community.

Relative brings tray bake for Jumper Day

Residents were delighted when Gillian Carmichael brought in some handmade tray bakes for the Residents on Christmas Jumper Day.

Gillian who’s Mum Patsy Kay is a resident within the Home had said she would love to do this as she is very grateful for all the help and support given to everyone during Covid 19. Christmas Jumper Day saw residents and staff having a social distance Karaoke enjoying a drink and cakes as well.

Eleanor Wilson General Manager at Drummond Grange said: “Residents were all delighted to receive them and said the cakes looked amazing.”  

One resident commented, saying: “I have never seen such tiny gingerbread men and the decorations on them were fantastic”

Charity Bake Sale

Staff & residents at Drummond Grange were delighted when Jackie Wilson told them about her son Mark who was doing a bake sale to raise money for our Memory Lane unit.

Mark Wilson, who works with RH Miller, started fundraising at the start of COVID-19 and has continued with his efforts.  Mark has raised a total of £1500, which he spent on presents and gifts for both the residents and Carers. 

Resident enjoys birthday visit

Drummond Grange Resident, Helen MacKenzie turned 80-years young.  Helen’s family sent in her birthday presents at the end of last week so that they could be with her on her birthday and enjoy seeing her open her presents.

The homes chef,  Colin made her a birthday cake which was presented to the birthday girl during her families visit as everyone wished her a happy birthday.

In the afternoon residents and staff joined together to host a socially distanced party with music and a wee bit of social distancing dancing.

50-years long service recognised

Drummond Grange Care Home have celebrated 3 colleagues who have been recognised for their long service with 50-years combined between them.

Frances Wood and Gail Clapperton both celebrated 20-years each while the homes General Manager, Eleanor Wilson has celebrated 10-years.

Frances started as a domestic and then took on the role of night time receptionist before becoming fulltime Assistant Administration.  Gail had started as staff nurse and for a short time was General Manager at Strachan House before returning to Drummond Grange and becoming  Unit Manager of the Pentland Suite in Drummond Grange.

General Manager, Eleanor started temporarily to help out as Manager and said ‘I said I would help out for six months and here I am 10 years down the line” Congratulations to them all!

Home donates to local charity

Residents, family members and staff kindly donated items to the Harvest Festival Donations before being donated to the Trussell Trust Foodbank in Gorebridge where Janice Burns accepted the goodies from Anne McShane, activities coordinator on behalf of the home

Drummond Grange would like to thank everyone who kindly donated.