Activities at Hickathrift House Care Home

We have two Activities Coordinators here at Hickathrift House. We have a wide range of activities within the home, including musical entertainment, arts & crafts, clubs for like-minded people, such as flower arranging and gardening, board games, baking (where the best bit is the eating afterwards!), and we celebrate special events throughout the year. We also have trips out on a regular basis using our own minibus, where we find out places of interest each person would like to visit.

It is important to us that each individual who we support can get as much from these activities as possible, so we try our best to arrange activities that reflect their interests and capabilities, and encourage them to participate in any way they can. We also encourage relatives to join in with activities and events as often as they can.

For the less mobile residents, we unique one-to-one session, such as simple chats over a cup of tea, reading or listening to music. Activities are some of the most important aspects of a care home, so it is essential that our team are dedicated to ensuring that residents are entertained, and that life at Hickathrift House is fun and active.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Kat Colangelo

Activities Lead

Hello, my name is Kat and I am the Activities Lead here at Hickathrift House.

Since 2017 I have been working in the field of well-being and I am passionate and enthusiastic about enriching all our of residents' quality of life. 

As the Activities Lead at Hickathrift House, my focus is learning about each of our resident's likes and dislikes and supporting them to remain receptive and active in addition to supporting them to engage with our local community friends.

I organise activities to stimulate the mind, body and soul in an enjoyable, comfortable way. My aim is to diversify and increase activities ensuring that there is something for everyone - from Wine and Cheese events, excursions on our home Mini Bus as well as individual bespoke person-centered activities.


Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Hickathrift House Care Home

Eyes Down

Eyes Down

Staff at Hickathrift House recently put the 'fun' in 'fundraising' with a bingo event to raise money for an OMI Interactive Sensory Table for residents. The event, held on Thursday 4th April at Tilney St Lawrence Village Hall, was hosted by our carers, Julie Price and Lisa Tibbs, who wanted residents to have the dementia-friendly equipment.

The OMI Interactive Sensory Table is a specialist system that responds to gesture and movement, creating dynamic images on any surface, which can can motivate and inspire with engaging content. It can stimulate language, physical and mental development and encourages active participation.

At the event, prizes worth hundreds of pounds were donated by staff, loved ones and local businesses. Residents, their relatives and staff all did their best to support by attending and purchasing raffle tickets. The event raised a grand total of £922.50, all of which will go towards the interactive table.

Sensory Session

Sensory Session

Residents, staff and families had an exciting afternoon on Monday 1st April; a lovely gentleman called Russell brought an interactive sensory table into the home for residents to play around with.

Everyone was wowed by the amazing technology; it had lots of different games and a special sensory application for people living with dementia. It is also mobile, so it can be taken into the rooms of residents who aren't able to get about as easily. 

Staff have already planned a bingo evening to raise money to purchase one of these tables, and we will be coming up with many more ideas, so watch this space!

Beside the Seaside

Beside the Seaside

Residents enjoyed a fish & chip lunch by the sea in Hunstanton on Friday 22nd March. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t kind, but that didn’t stop everyone tucking in wrapped up warm in the minibus. We can’t wait to go back when the sun is shining!

Born to be Wild!

Born to be Wild!

Resident, Joan, was over the moon on Friday 22nd March, when she had a visit from Ricky, who brought his motorbike to the home to show her. Ricky is the Husband of Kerry, one of our Senior Carers, and we can’t wait for him to come again.

Horsin' Around

Horsin' Around

Residents were spoiled on Wednesday 20th March when two beautiful visitors stopped by to say hello. 

Hickathrift staff members, Gemma and Louise, brought their horses, Noah and Gemini, to the home, as residents had been asking to meet them for a long time, but the girls wanted to wait for better weather.

Residents enjoyed feeding them polos and carrots and making a big fuss of them.

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The Railway Residents

Residents had a lovely outing on Thursday 14th March when we visited Wolferton Railway Station. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t very kind, so we chose to stay in the warm of the minibus, but they were very interested to hear about it being used by the royals, and sent Tracie the Activities Coordinator out in the rain to get some photos, which everyone found highly amusing.

Wolferton was a railway station on the King's Lynn to Hunstanton line, which opened in 1862 to serve the village of Wolferton in Norfolk, England. The station was also well known as the nearest station to Sandringham House, and royal trains brought the royal family to and from their estate until its closure in 1969. After spending some time as a museum, the station is now preserved in private hands. The signal box and part of the station are listed buildings, Grade II.

Upcoming events

Newsletter - May

We are delighted to share our latest newsletter - May edition.

Teddy Bears Picnic

Children and grown ups alike are warmly welcome to join us at our Teddy Bears picnic. 

Summer Garden Party

Join us on Sunday 28th July for our homes summer garden party.


Join us in July and take a peek at our upcoming life enrichment and activities schedule.

Dementia Cafe - 3rd Friday of the month

We extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our monthly dementia cafe.

Knit and Natter - Bi-monthly

Do you enjoy knitting? Come along and make new friends at our bi monthly Knit and Natter group - all welcome.

Gentleman's Club - Last Sunday of the month

Come along and enjoy a variety of activities over a beverage or two!  Make new friends - all welcome.

Emergency Services - Take a break on us!

Calling all emergency personnel!  Come and take a break on us - there may be a cake or two available!

Coffee Morning

We extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our monthly Coffee Morning - make new friends and enjoy a slice of homemade cake.

Volunteer Coffee Morning - every Tuesday

We recognise the special impact volunteers can have on the lives of our residents and we hope you can join us.