Activities at Kingsland House Care Home

Kingsland House have a variety of activities that our residents help us choose. Celebrating Life in our home is jovial and fun and from our weekly delivered activity sheet, our residents can chose exactly what they want to join in with.

Our activities range from exercise classes, gardening, arts and crafts, games to food-fun clubs. We also offer our in house church services, our own home cinema, our mobile pub - The Kingsland Tavern, visiting Pat Dogs, musical entertainers, minibus outings, theme days and birthday celebrations. For those residents being nursed in their rooms we have one to one activities sessions.

At Kingsland House we believe that activities are hugely important to stimulate and uplift, and getting to know our residents interests and lifestyle choices assist our activities team in creating events and activities to suit their expressed wishes and capabilities. We also encourage our residents' families and friends to join in with as much as they can to make Kingsland House a loving family atmosphere.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Mo Clark

Activities coordinator

I've been at Kingsland House as the Activities  Coordinator since April 2024 having previously worked in a similar role since 2020.

My previous experience has been in working as a carer and air bnb host,   corporate finance and project management for many years.  This is my most rewarding role to date and I am passionate about working with the elderly.

I love the variety of each day, getting to know and share in the lives of our residents.  The commitment and support of Barchester enables us to deliver activities and outings that go above and beyond to support and celebrate life which makes the difference to our residents wellbeing and happiness.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Kingsland House Care Home

What we got up to in March

What we got up to in March

Kingsland House looks forward to stepping into summer with a spring in its step after having wonderful indoor activities and entertainment throughout March. We met weekly for armchair movement & singing exercises, crafts, arts, and quizzes and have enjoyed classical concerts, an afternoon at the races, our Tiny-Tots visit and even a tropical tea-party to celebrate National Nutrition Week. 

February at Kingsland

February at Kingsland

Whilst the cold weather was still upon us, we enjoyed our indoor activities very much throughout February. There was lots of lively musical entertainment and indoor arts, food, singing, reading, exercise and crafts clubs - and, of course, we celebrated every birthday!

We are particularly enjoying making our own decorations to hang in the sensory gardens, which we are very much looking forward to brightening up as soon as the warmer weather graces our presence.

Please do feel free to come and mingle with us in Kingsland House - or why not become a volunteer? Come and speak to Eileen in Activities.

A Good Start to the Year

A Good Start to the Year

Kingsland House had a great start to the New Year when we celebrated six birthdays with entertainment, banners, balloons and - best of all - cake!

Our collage group made a very bright owl, we celebrated Burns Night with a typically Scottish supper, enjoyed a variety of entertainment - particularly from The Sussex Seaside Singers - and had a puppet show whilst our Tiny Tots group visited us - and even managed a couple of trips out in the minibus; despite the January weather, Shoreham Airport Bar is always nice and warm!

Christmas at Kingsland

Christmas at Kingsland

December was a fantastically festive and merry month with a whole host of celebrating and partying. We started with a lovely Advent Church Service, had a variety of entertaining guests, enjoyed our Christmas Jumper Day and cake stall, along with a roaringly successful residents' Christmas Knees Up, starring none other than Father Christmas and three helpful elves. Some of our staff even starred in a specially written 'Carry on Panto,' where many guests were entertained on our Memory Lane unit. We now look forward to a bright and breezy new year and wish everybody just that - a happy hew year!

November at Kingsland House

November at Kingsland House

A wonderful November month was had in Kingsland House, when we celebrated nine birthdays! We have had a great social time in our collage crafts group, tested our wits and skills in our quiz and skittles groups, and amongst other visiting entertainers, we enjoyed a pub-style-piano sing-along - and we are all really look forward to a very merry festive December!

What have we been up to?

What have we been up to?

We've been keeping ourselves busy recently here at Kingsland House. Our autumnal visit up to Devils Dyke in Brighton went well, as did our Food-Fun Club, which involved decorating cakes. Folks at the home got dressed up to celebrate Halloween, and we were also paid a visit by the Sundown Ukelele Band. We would also like to announce the arrival of two new residents - Bonny & Clyde - whom the residents love. Finally, our very special Remembrance Service was also attended by members of the Shoreham community.