Activities at Lawton Manor Care Home

We understand that the people we support have passions and interests that could be difficult to pursue after moving into a care home – but that doesn’t mean we don’t encourage them to try! Some hobbies can define a person, so our Activities Coordinators are dedicated to ensuring that everyone we support is able to do what makes them happy to the best of their abilities. Social events are organised with individual tastes in mind and with the idea that residents have the opportunity to try new and exciting things.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Chloe Cameron

Activities Coordinator

This is Chloe and she is our Activities Coordinator here at Lawton Manor. Her job is to physically and mentally stimulate our residents by offering a range of activities for them to enjoy. She wants to get everyone involved and make our home community and atmosphere as positive and welcoming as possible.

Making sure that our residents have things to do that they really enjoy doing is something that Chloe holds very close to her heart. It is so important to make sure that they are happy and enjoy all of the activities and events that we host for them. A lot of our residents also enjoy our special trips out on our Minibus as we create new, special memories together.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Lawton Manor Care Home


Summertime Boating

A wonderful morning was spent on the wheely boat on the Shropshire Union Canal. We set off from Overwater Marina in Audlem and had an hour cruising, taking in the sights.  Residents also enjoyed a delicious lunch at "Cafe at Bridge 80" in the sunshine at the waterside. 

Night fever with V&A Dundee

We had a lovely time joining V&A Dundee curator, Kirsty Hassard, as she introduced us virtually to the history and design of night clubs and the club culture from the 1960s to present day.

We explored the evolution and development of night clubs around the world, from Italy to America, and closer to home, looked at their importance as cultural venues and designed spaces.

This current exhibition celebrates night clubs at a very important moment, as we all look to a brighter future where everyone can come back together, to dance and to enjoy nights out once again.

We all enjoyed the virtual talk.


Day Tripping to Derbyshire

We set off in the Company car for a day trip to Dalton's Dairy for an ice cream, Lesley chose raspberry fruit swirl a speciality at Daltons, we also had the excitement of watching a thunder and lightning storm pass over the Derbyshire dales.

Zoo2U Visit

Residents enjoyed a visit from Zoo2U Discovery Centre .  It was a fun filled afternoon petting all the animals and learning all about their natural habitats. Ozzy the Owl proved very popular and Sandra the snake was a firm favourite.

A peek inside Dartmoor Zoo

We were able to virtually dive into the impressive wildlife of Dartmoor Zoo.

We explored its grounds and learnt about the unique history of the park from the zoo’s educational team. The culmination of the tour was the live tiger training demonstration, which was wonderful to see and enjoyed by all.

Our residents were delighted to see amazing photos and short videos of the animals and take a peek inside their home.

V&A Dundee - History of Robots

We enjoyed a wonderful virtual introduction to the world of robots with V&A Dundee Curator, Kirsty Hassard.

Kirsty talked us through the history of robots and their early beginnings, the presentation traced the fascination of all things wired and wonderful and considered what the future might hold for our relationship with a multitude of mechanical machines.

It was absolutely thrilling to learn what robots can do now and what they might be able to do in the future.

Upcoming events

Summer Fair

Come and join the fun as we get together for our Summer Fair, with stalls, entertainment and lots of refreshments. We'd love to see you there!

Looking for a place to host a meeting?

Looking for a place to  host a meeting? We have space and extend an invitation for you to get in touch and see what we have to offer.

Take a break on us!

Come and take a break on us! There may even be a cake or two too.

Don't Dine Alone

We know meal times can be lonely for some older people, so we extend a warm invitation for you to enjoy some company and a nutritious meal. To book your place, call 01270 844200.

Become a Volunteer

Could you make a difference to someone's day to day life? If you would like more information on becoming a Volunteer at Lawton Manor call us on 01270 844 200.

Knit & Natter Club

Join us for a natter while you knit! Come along to our bi-weekly Knit & Natter group, enjoy a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.

Coffee Mornings

Our weekly Coffee Morning at Lawton Manor is a great opportunity to meet people and enjoy a coffee and some treats. Why not pop along and see our lovely home?