Activities at Marriott House and Lodge Care Home

Activities are the cornerstone of a wholesome home experience and our Activities Coordinators are always putting their creative minds to the test by organising new and exciting social events for residents to partake in. Of course, we take into account the likes and dislikes of those we support, so if someone doesn’t feel like trying something new, there will always be something on offer to reflect their personal interests. For the people who may just prefer some peace and quiet instead, we also offer one-to-one time that can be enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee or just a simple chat – whatever they desire.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Marriott House and Lodge Care Home


National Puzzle Day

On 29th January, Marriott House and Lodge celebrated National Puzzle Day. The activities team spent the morning visiting residents on a one-to-one basis and doing some crosswords and word searches with them.

During the afternoon, we invited the community in for some word games, including hangman, countdown and more brain training on the white board in the lounge.

One resident has also been working on a massive jigsaw puzzle, which she finished on the day.

Old & New Friends Club 2018

Old & New Friends Club 2018

After seeing the recent Channel 4 programme, ‘Old People's Home for 4 Year Olds’, we were approached by Parklands School and invited to join with them for intergenerational activities. The programme highlighted the positive effects on the young and old.

Marriott house and Lodge and Parklands School completed one term together and some amazing friendships were formed. Following this success, we were keen for this to continue with a new group of old and new friends!  

Dignity Action Day

Dignity Action Day

Marriott House and Lodge supported Dignity Action Day on 1st February with a fun and all-inclusive community event. 

We celebrated and raised awareness of the importance of delivering dignified care by inviting residents, relatives, staff and visitors to find out more about dignity in care. 

Residents and staff made a tree in craft sessions and then asked residents, relatives and visitors to write on a leaf exactly what dignity means to them! 

There was lots of discussion during a special afternoon digni-tea! We also asked people to sign up as ‘dignity champions’ as part of the National Dignity Council campaign. 

Dignity Action Day is on the 1st February and is an annual opportunity for health and social care workers and members of the public to promote the needs to uphold people’s rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people who use care services. You can find out more about becoming a dignity champion by visiting


January Birthday Celebrations

On Friday 19th January, we held our monthly birthday tea party for all those celebrating their birthdays in January. Mike Hammer entertained us with his musical talents and added to our collection of drawings that he produces whilst singing!

Everyone sang 'Happy Birthday' to those who were celebrating and then we all enjoyed tea and cake together!

Marriott Comes Alive

Marriott Comes Alive

Folks at Marriott House & Lodge were delighted to be joined by Alive Activities on Thursday 4th January.

This variety session included a quiz, singing, gentle exercises and some impromptu dancing from residents, staff and visitors!

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Music for Health

Music for Health workshops are fun, stimulating and extremely varied, providing something for everyone. The music changes from workshop to workshop, keeping the event fresh. Residents are encouraged to participate from the start and progress at their own speed.

Upcoming events

Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em - Virtual Event

The Barn Theatre in the Cotswolds is streaming its stage adaptation of this beloved sitcom straight in to our lounge, for us to enjoy from the comfort of our armchairs.

Barchester's Big Quiz - Live Virtual Event

Calling all quizzers!

Join us for an exciting quiz to test your general knowledge and see who is the biggest brainbox of them all!