Activities at Marriott House and Lodge Care Home

Activities are the cornerstone of a wholesome home experience and our Activities Coordinators are always putting their creative minds to the test by organising new and exciting social events for residents to partake in. Of course, we take into account the likes and dislikes of those we support, so if someone doesn’t feel like trying something new, there will always be something on offer to reflect their personal interests. For the people who may just prefer some peace and quiet instead, we also offer one-to-one time that can be enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee or just a simple chat – whatever they desire.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Marriott House and Lodge Care Home

National Chocolate Cake Day

National Chocolate Cake Day

On Friday 27th January, residents, visitors and staff enjoyed a chocolatey afternoon. Various types of chocolate cake were enjoyed by many!

Music for Health

Music for Health

Music for Health workshops are fun, stimulating and extremely varied - and provide something for everyone. The music is changed from workshop to workshop, keeping the attraction fresh. Residents are encouraged to participate from the start, but can progress at their own speed. Our most recent session took place on Wednesday 18th January.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

In the lead up to Chinese New Year, residents made decorations that were used throughout the home. On 28th January, the kitchen made a Chinese-themed supper for everyone to enjoy.

Cooking Group - Sausage Rolls

Cooking Group - Sausage Rolls

Please click here to read about our Friday morning cooking group's latest adventure.

Flower Arranging

Flower Arranging

On Saturday 21st January, residents at Marriott House & Lodge enjoyed a morning of flower arranging which were then displayed around the home for everyone to see. This will be a regular social activity within the home in the future. 

Minibus to Manor Nursery

Minibus to Manor Nursery

On Friday 20th January, we enjoyed our first trip out in the minibus to the Manor Nursery garden centre. We enjoyed coffee and refreshments before choosing some plants to bring back to the home.

Upcoming events

Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em - Virtual Event

The Barn Theatre in the Cotswolds is streaming its stage adaptation of this beloved sitcom straight in to our lounge, for us to enjoy from the comfort of our armchairs.