Activities at Moreton Hill Care Home

Our home is always full of life, and we can thank our wonderful Activities Coordinators for this. Dedication to creating a unique and interesting activities programme is what sets us apart from other homes. We always take into consideration that some people would prefer to pursue their own interests, which is why our team strive to incorporative activities that cater to a wide range of tastes and hobbies. Our trips out are always fun and exciting as well, and residents are guaranteed to return with stories to tell their loved ones!

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Jackie Chillingworth

Activities Lead

Hello.  I am Jackie, the Lead Activity Co-Ordinator at Moreton Hill. I have worked for Barchester for over 10 years. Now, together with my team and  the staff at our beautiful home, our aim is to help all residents live life to the best they can by bringing meaningful and enriching activities into their lives.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Moreton Hill Care Home


Wings of Freedom

Colin Sutherland, from Wings of Freedom, visited us recently and everyone had a great time, especially when he introduced his latest addition - a two week old tawny owl he had bred by accident! We can't wait to see it in a couple of months when it's fully grown.


The View from Moreton Hill

One thing you never get used to at Moreton Hill is the stunning view from our own front door that reaches out to the Black Mountains and the Severn Estuary. On a clear day, you can see seven counties and both Severn Bridges and the sunsets are something else.

A Day in the Life of a Moreton Hill Resident

A Day in the Life of a Moreton Hill Resident

Resident, Moira, has written a new poem and wants to share it with everyone:

A Day in the Life of a Moreton Hill Resident

Hip hip hoorah!
I wake up to a sunny day
Across the estuary, the sun glints on windows
Of cottages in the Forest of Dean
Which can clearly be seen.

Off to tend the plants in the conservatory,
Then an hour of Tai Chi
To help my body stay healthy.

Break for lunch, 
Delicious food to much!
Afternoon activity;
A session of pottery
With super teacher, Paddy!

Now, one of the items I enjoy best:
Retire to my comfy nest.
Will I have any success
Answering question on Pointless?

Our Magical Mystery Tour

Our Magical Mystery Tour

This wonderful poem was written by a resident:

Our Magical Mystery Tour

First trip of the year
The car is in gear
We are off to hunt for snowdrops!
White fluffy clouds like mops
Spread over a clear blue sky
The sun is shining on high
Climb up Selsley Hill
On to wide open spaces
Where Cotswold sheep with white faces
Enjoy the swedes
Making room for new seeds
Fresh furrow ploughed
Attract the seagull crowd
Now down a steep winding lane
Surrounded by trees
To our great pleasure
We find treasure
Clumps of white bells
Snuggled up in the dells
Mission accomplished
But no ... we are not finished
The view over The Severn
Completes our heaven
With a rainbow display
To end the day!


Our Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Tree

As you can see, Moreton Hill has yarn bombed the Christmas tree with pom-poms made by residents, staff and even relatives. What fun it's been and the result is truly fabulous!

Our Latest Project

Our Latest Project

These fabulous fish are the results of our latest pottery project; the residents really enjoyed making them along with the seaweed! Pottery is taught once a month on the second Wednesday with paddy, a local potter from Gloucester.