Activities at Park View Care Home

Our home is always full of life, and we can thank our wonderful Activities Coordinators for this. Dedication to creating a unique and interesting activities programme is what sets us apart from other homes. We always take into consideration that some people would prefer to pursue their own interests, which is why our team strive to incorporative activities that cater to a wide range of tastes and hobbies. Our trips out are always fun and exciting as well, and residents are guaranteed to return with stories to tell their loved ones!

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Rose, Teresa & Sharon

Activities Coordinators

We are the activities team here at Park View!


Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Park View Care Home

Pub Lunch

Pub Lunch

Some gentlemen from Park View enjoyed a trip out to the local pub for a delicious meal.


Helping Hands

Residents are always keen to help out with some cleaning – and staff are happy to oblige.

10 Year Anniversary

10 Year Anniversary

We took one of our residents, Gary, to the cemetery recently for the 10 year anniversary of his Father's death so that he could lay flowers by his grave. Gary was very happy that we took the time out to take him so he could show his respect.

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Christmas Bazaar

Our Kitchen Assistant dressed up as Santa Claus himself for our Christmas Bazaar. Everyone who attended had a lovely time!

What we got up to this summer

What we got up to this summer

It has been an action packed summer here at Park View. We started off by celebrating V.E Day with a morning of making peppermint creams.

The activities team got in full spirit by dressing up in 1940s wear to match the entertainment we had. We managed to find a 1940s tribute act by the name of Debbie, and she sang loads of classic songs. To say that we had a good time would be an understatement. 

Next on the agenda was getting our garden ready for Care Home Open Day. We have been taking a lot of time to weed and repaint the wooden gazebo in one of our gardens. Residents have been helping us with this process and some have just been basking in the sun. I think we all know what we would prefer to be doing!

The parachute also came out to play this month and, once again, it was a big hit; residents like to try and keep the ball off of the floor. 




The Gold Standards Framework

The Gold Standards Framework

Here at Park View, we have recently been accredited with the Gold Standards Framework, which means that we specialise in end of life and palliative care. To celebrate this, we held a party to acknowledge the hard work that all of our staff do and will continue to do .