Activities at Peony Court Care Home
Our teams are trained to enrich the lives of residents through stimulating the mind, body and soul, and taking the time to learn about each person to ensure everyone receives support that adds enrichment to their life.
Our Activities Coordinators are dedicated to enhancing residents' quality of life by providing regular social and psychological stimulation. The activities can be undertaken in groups or ‘one-to-one’ and are based on individual preferences. We have a varied programme, with the goal of appealing to the interests and capabilities of all residents as best as possible. For example, there's pottery, baking, Scrabble, art classes, exercise sessions and much more. The Activities Coordinators also organise visits from entertainers, local groups, including school choirs, religious services and outings on the minibus.

Paul McKee
Hi! I'm Paul, the Activities Co-Ordinator at Peony Court.
Before I joined the care sector I worked for many years in the hotel industry, managing housekeeping, hospitality and customer experience. Several members of my family have a history of working in care and I thought, maybe that could be me as well. I'm a natural entertainer with a flare for bringing smiles to people's faces and this was absolutely the right move for me.
Here at Peony Court, I make a point of getting to know each and every resident and their families. I tailor the activities program to suit individuals, no one is the same and everyone has different interests. It's my aim to be empathetic, enthusiastic and engaging with all of my residents. We have incredible activities and events here guided by exactly what our residents want, from pampering sessions to singing and dancing, chair exercises to arts and crafts, and diversity is absolutely the key!
I can't wait to welcome more residents and guests to Peony Court!
Activities and Events Partnerships
As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies
Life at Peony Court Care Home

Peony does Pointless
We like a challenge here at Peony Court so we thought we'd try a general knowledge quiz with a difference... our take on the hit TV series Pointless! It took us all a while to get our heads round the fact that the object of this game is to find the obscure answer rather than the obvious answer but we got there in the end and it was great fun!

Happy Valley Happy Days
Keeping well is really important to our residents and they always enjoy a walk in one of the many local parks and beauty spots practically on our door step. This week was no exception, we headed off to Farthing Downs, AKA The happy Valley! We are hoping for more sun and less rain so we can get out and about even more!

Gin Club in the Sunshine
On the 2nd Monday of each month we host 'Gin Club'. We have an extensive selection of different types of gin including dry, fruit and botanicals to sample with our residents and friends of Peony. As the days get longer and the sun shinier we took full advantage and took the club outside this week, good job too as we had a fair few guests taking part!

In for a penny... or a ha'penny
Our very own head chef Chris hosted a marathon game session playing the 150 year old Shove Ha'penny non stop for 24 hours! Chris was joined by family and friends as well as some of our residents to support him through this mammoth task and for his efforts raised an astonishing £1721 which he donated to Dementia UK in memory of his own father who he sadly lost to Dementia. To top it off Chris very kindly donated one of the game boards to our residents to continue playing! Thanks Chris!

SuperStars at Peony Court!
We are so lucky here at Peony Court that we have a team of volunteers who sacrifice their personal time to come and help us out, whether it's a big event or just having a cuppa with our residents their help and support really is above and beyond! On Volunteers Appreciation day we acknowledged and thanked our volunteers with a card and a bottle of bubbly!

St George's Day
St George's day was a swinging success, residents taste tested English wines and cheeses and enjoyed live entertainment with Katie, a fabulous vintage style singer in traditional 50's dress!