Activities at Ross Court Care Home

Activities are the cornerstone of a wholesome home experience, and our Activities Coordinators are always putting their creative minds to the test by organising new and exciting social events for residents to partake in. Of course, we take into account the likes and dislikes of those we support, so if someone doesn’t feel like trying something new, there will always be something on offer to reflect their personal interests. For the people who may just prefer some peace and quiet instead, we also offer one-to-one time that can be enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee or just a simple chat – whatever they desire.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Ross Court Care Home

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A lovely visit from 1st Bridstow Rainbows

The little Rainbows played large KerPlunk with Bill one of our residents, he lost, as all the balls fell in the basket on his turn, the Rainbows squealed with excitement when the balls dropped. Bill brought out a new game of hoopla that his family had given him that day to show the Rainbows. He set it up, showed them how to play, and again they won! Bill loved this, he was happy to lose the games. After refreshments the rainbows went around the residents showing proudly their badges that they had earned. I told one little girl called Ruby that Rosemarie has problems seeing and she sat with Rosemarie describing each badge, what picture was on it what colours and size she even asked Rosemarie to touch the badges. All this kindness and thought with no prompting, it was such a sweet, lovey moment. To end the evening the Rainbows took part in wake and shake with the residents, they all left tired and arms full of Easter Eggs from Ross Court.

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Easter Fun!

We had an Easter egg hunt with the residents, and an Easter egg race with a difference. The residents had to pass the boiled egg (that was painted by themselves) from spoon to spoon. They were in two teams, similar to musical chairs. The eggs with the least cracks from dropping them, were the winners. Residents got into the arts and crafts by painting and decorating the boiled egg. Lots of fun and giggles.

We also had the Barchester Bunny giving out Easter eggs to all the residents, they enjoyed the visit, we also had large Easter buttons for those residents with dairy intolerance.

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Ross Court Cat Rescue Visit

We had two volunteers Sue and Nicola from New Start Cat Rescue come in with two beautiful cats. The white one is Eric and the black one is Rupert. Both the cats were so well behaved, they were given dreamies as a treats.

The white cat who was the largest gulped them down to the amusement of the residents. Rupert was very soft and kind he nestled in to the residents lap, whereas Eric, well he wanted to explore.

The Residents loved them and asked lots of questions about how they were found. Eric was rescued from Romania, the volunteers didn’t know much of their back ground, but it was great news to hear that they have both found their forever home.

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Heineken Hereford visit Ross Court

We had Heineken Hereford come to visit us here at Ross Court. We enjoyed a talk by Melanie Riches about how they made their flavoured cider, with natural flavourings and local apples. The residents found this all very interesting. There was question and answer time at the end. Mel was on the ball about her knowledge of the cider. Residents were also allowed to sample lots of different flavours, their favourite was the strawberry and apple.

Lots of fun

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Gone Fishin'

We had a wonderful fun game of fishing at Ross Court. We had fun not only playing it but making it too. One of our entertainers couldn’t make it so Activities had to think of something quick. So we printed out fish, residents cut them out, we found plastic rods, and wool for the fishing line, put a paper clip on the nose of the fish, then a magnet tied on the wool and used the loops and balls to represent ponds. What fun it was the winner was the one who pulled the most fish out in 3 minutes.

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Fun Afternoon at Local Garden Centre

Residents of Ross Court along with some of the team had a lovely afternoon out at Pengethley Garden Centre.  We had a good mooch around the shop and the residents fell in love with the large teddies and wanted to bring them back to Ross Court!  A cup of tea in the café finished the trip out nicely.