Activities at Westvale House Care Home

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Joanne Sherwood

Activities Coordinator

Hi, I'm Joanne and I'm the Activities Co-ordinator at Westvale House! I joined the team in December 2023 and absolutely love my role. Getting to spend time with our residents every day and getting to know each of them more and more, is such a privilege.

I get to create and tailor our activities to the preferences of each individual resident, making sure they're all doing things they'll absolutely love, and that brings me and the rest of the team so much joy. Making each of their days special is what I believe my job is all about.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Westvale House Care Home

Christmas truffles

We had a lovely time joining Paul Hawkins and Steve Wilkes from Unilever for an exciting immersive Christmas experience.

Our residents were welcomed with chocolate treats as Paul and Steve took them on an exciting chocolate truffle making and biscuit decorating journey.

To finish off the Christmas special event, our residents enjoyed a themed quiz and a singalong.

We all had a wonderful time.


We all had a wonderful time joining Jennifer Owen - founder of Goldfinch Floral Studio for a creative floral bauble workshop.

Jennifer transported our residents to the out of the ordinary world of flowers and crafts and demonstrated how to create stunning hand-made baubles filled with dried flowers and grasses.

Our residents enjoyed filling and decorating their own glass baubles and their unique creations will be displayed at the home for everyone to enjoy.

Christmas lights

We experienced the Christmas extravaganza of Blenheim Palace with Social Historian - Antonia Keaney, who took us on a recorded tour around the Christmas sights at the palace this year.

Blenheim Palace

Our residents were thrilled to join Antonia Keaney - Blenheim Palace’s Historian for an intriguing virtual talk on Winston Churchill.

The private resources of Blenheim Palace were drawn upon to afford very new and refreshing insights into this remarkable man. During the talk Antonia shared fascinating information about the breadth of talent, achievement and personality of the "Greatest Briton": soldier, politician, statesman, painter, writer, orator, family man - and bricklayer!

We all had a wonderful time and enjoyed learning more about UK’s former Prime Minister.

Festive decorations

In preparation for the upcoming Christmas festivities, we spent time decorating our home with colourful themed ornaments, lights and baubles.

Our residents had fun creating the home’s Christmas display and got involved in arts and crafts sessions to paint baubles and make the beautiful decorations for our Christmas tree.

We held a special lights switch-on ceremony, where we turned on the Christmas lights at the home.

Everyone had an amazing time and we are all looking forward to the holidays.

Play your cards right

Play Your Cards Right is a popular activity amongst Residents at Westvale, as many reminisce about playing card games when they were children.

Residents who drew lucky cards and won the game were presented with a chocolatey treat of their choice for their achievement.

The afternoon was rounded off with a sing-along as Residents enjoyed a delicious slice of cake and a cup of tea or coffee.

Upcoming events

Could you be a Volunteer?

Your time could make a real difference - if you would like more information on Volunteering here at Westvale House we'd love to hear from you.

Community Coffee Morning

Our bi-weekly Community Coffee Morning at Westvale House is a great opportunity to meet people and enjoy a coffee and some treats. Why not pop along and see our lovely home?

Don't Dine Alone

Don't Dine Alone - last Friday of each month

We know meal times can be lonely for some older people, so we extend a warm invitation for you to enjoy some company and a nutritious meal. Please call 01925 571266 to book.

Calling All Emergency Services

Calling all Emergency Services

Come and take a break with us - we offer a warm drink any time you need it! Pop in on your break...

Looking for a place to host a meeting?

Looking for a place to host a meeting? We have space and extend an invitation for you to get in touch and see what we have to offer.