Activities at Westvale House Care Home

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Joanne Sherwood

Activities Coordinator

Hi, I'm Joanne and I'm the Activities Co-ordinator at Westvale House! I joined the team in December 2023 and absolutely love my role. Getting to spend time with our residents every day and getting to know each of them more and more, is such a privilege.

I get to create and tailor our activities to the preferences of each individual resident, making sure they're all doing things they'll absolutely love, and that brings me and the rest of the team so much joy. Making each of their days special is what I believe my job is all about.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Westvale House Care Home

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Long awaited reunions

For some residents at Westvale the long awaited reunion with family and friends became a reality recently, as garden visits have now been allowed to commence at the home.   There has been much careful planning and preparation for this moment behind the scenes at Barchester Healthcare, who run Westvale care home. Social distancing was still in place, and homes that are able to take part must have a large accessible garden.  We have a lovely gazebo to combat light summer showers so that we can still facilitate our supportive families when they are visiting.

Charlotte Aspinall, Senior General Manager at the home, said: “This has been a much welcomed development in what have been very strange times. The visits are safe and organised, and it was wonderful to see how happy it made the residents. We will of course endeavour to keep up the high standards of care, and continue with our ever evolving life enrichment programme, to keep residents engaged. But this was a lovely day.”

Jack resident at Westvale said: “The staff here have been so wonderful and generous with their time, keeping us busy and entertained, especially showing us how to use video calls, but nothing beats seeing my family in real life. This was a special moment, and I was over the moon.”


Clapping for Carers

Staff, residents, loved ones and members of the community cheered on NHS staff and other key workers at Westvale who are helping to keep the country running during the coronavirus pandemic. Those who have recently lost a loved one, stood strong and everyone took a moment to remember as they showed their appreciation for our key workers.


Community Friends Enjoy Valentine's with Residents

Staff, residents and guests celebrated the day of love with residents and relatives at Westvale, welcoming the ladies from St Philip's Church along to their popular coffee morning. The morning was full of chat and laughter as everyone had lots of fun making Valentines cards together. The ladies made special friendship cards for their lifetime friends. They also enjoyed a special performance by popular vocalist, Dean Sinclair, singing love songs for Valentine’s Day.

General Manager, Charlotte said: “Today has shown us all that you are never too old for love. We’ve had a whole range of treats and Valentine’s themed fun for the individuals that live here and their guests and we have enjoyed every moment of it!”

Intergenerational Playgroup

Residents at Westvale House welcomed pupils from Penketh High School, who are working alongside Warrington Youth Group in a 6 week intergenerational project. During the 1st week the Residents and pupils enjoyed getting to know each other. One pupil was thrilled to be a part of the project. She said, “It reminds her of good memories of her nanny who was in a nursing home!

General Manager, Charlotte Aspinall said: “We invited the group to the home as a way to promote social interaction between the generations, and the residents at our home had a lot of fun on the day, and love our young visitors. If anyone ever wants to stop in for a lovely afternoon with your young ones, or just for a cuppa and a break, we’d love to have you join us.”

Westvale Had a Flippin’ Fun Pancake Day

The staff and residents at Westvale have been flipping and turning pancakes all morning in preparation for their annual Shrove Tuesday pancake ‘bake off’.

Westvale has marked this year’s Pancake Day with a pancake flipping competition with the children from local nursery and of course, lots of pancakes! Prepared by the homes head chef at the home, flippin’ pancakes,  and serving them up with an array of sweet and savoury fillings.

One Resident said: “My secret to the best pancakes is all in the whipping. Give it some elbow grease when mixing the batter and you’ll get perfect pancakes every time. I like experimenting with the fillings – the residents’ favourites are spinach and cheese, chocolate spread and banana and of course, good old fashioned lemon and sugar!”


Burns Night at Westvale

Westvale care home prepared a traditional Burns Night Supper to the tune of bagpipes and capers continued well into the wee small hours! Staff, residents and relatives at the home were involved in a number of activities to mark the Scottish institution, including honouring the poem Address to a Haggis, written by Burns.

General Manager, Carol Dwyer  thought it was a perfect occasion to celebrate an evening steeped in age-old tradition as well as getting in a spot of Scotch whisky tasting, accompanied bagpiper, Ian to singing a medley of Burns’ songs. Carol said: “Our residents have enjoyed a hearty meal of Scotch broth, Haggis with neeps and tatties all prepared by our stellar chef”

One resident said: “I enjoyed acting out the part of the whisky-bearer and asking everyone to raise a dram to toast the Haggis.”

Upcoming events

Could you be a Volunteer?

Your time could make a real difference - if you would like more information on Volunteering here at Westvale House we'd love to hear from you.

Community Coffee Morning

Our bi-weekly Community Coffee Morning at Westvale House is a great opportunity to meet people and enjoy a coffee and some treats. Why not pop along and see our lovely home?

Don't Dine Alone

Don't Dine Alone - last Friday of each month

We know meal times can be lonely for some older people, so we extend a warm invitation for you to enjoy some company and a nutritious meal. Please call 01925 571266 to book.

Calling All Emergency Services

Calling all Emergency Services

Come and take a break with us - we offer a warm drink any time you need it! Pop in on your break...

Looking for a place to host a meeting?

Looking for a place to host a meeting? We have space and extend an invitation for you to get in touch and see what we have to offer.