Activities at Woodland View Care Home

Activities at Woodland View

Woodland View is passionately committed to providing residents with a varied choice of entertainment, social, health and well being, craft and relaxation based activities.

Activities will all be meaningful and based on the likes of residents and will continue to evolve depending on our residents. The activities provided will also include involvement from other local community based organisations and are open to all residents, family and friends of residents. Our activities will be facilitated by staff from all departments as well as invited guests. Families are also enthusiastically encouraged to play a part in activities when possible.

There will always be at least one person at every activity who has been DBS checked to ensure the safeguarding of our residents. The dignity of our residents and our respect for them is at the centre of everything we do, each and every day.

We are always reviewing and changing our schedule of activities to be a centre of excellence and actively invite feedback and suggestions for new and meaningful activities and ideas.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Petra Hardman

Activities Coordinator

Hi my name is Petra and I'm the Activities Coordinator here at Woodland View. I love seeing the difference that activities can make to each individual, and finding out what interests they have and ensure I incorporate that into our activities here.

I love music and drama coming from a musical background as a singer all over the country, music is important to me and I feel it makes such a difference to everyone, it evokes memories, and creates happiness. I also love to boost residents self esteem by creating pampering sessions and having one to one time to relax and reminisce.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Woodland View Care Home

Employee of the Month - July

Employee of the Month - July

Connie Taylor was voted by staff and colleagues at Woodland View as July’s ‘Employee of the Month’. Connie was both surprised and thrilled as she was congratulated and awarded a bottle and a gift card by General Manager, Juliet Driver. Everything Connie does, she does with a smile and enthusiasm. Well done, Connie!

Rain does not stop play!

Rain does not stop play!

The summer seemed to come to an abrupt end as the rain just seemed to keep on coming recently.

Day two of our team of nineteen NSC volunteer visitors was as busy as the first, with lots to keep residents at Woodland View occupied. Tai Chi, as well as well as a sensory 'What's in the box?' game ran for the morning sessions. In the afternoon, residents scrutinised and chose a range of photographs from the beginning of 2017 to date. These images were then prepared and added to a couple of scraps books – one for downstairs and one for upstairs.

Whilst the scrap books were being prepared in the coffee lounge, upstairs in the Woodland Arms, another group of volunteers were having a nice chat with other residents as part of the weekly Ladies Lounge.

With all of the activity at Woodland View, it was almost as if it wasn't even raining at all! But it was... it really, really was!

Eyes Down for a Full House

Eyes Down for a Full House

A couple of weeks ago, seven volunteers from the National Citizen Service spent three days engaging with residents and the whole experience was a runaway success, with many new friendships being formed.

Just a week after things had quietened down, Activities Coordinator, Kevin Riley, received a call from another team within the NCS who requested the opportunity to work with Woodland View in a similar way to their predecessors – and we said yes! We have never turned away from a challenge.

On the first day out of four, the group were split into three teams. Each of these teams had a different focus: gardening, painting flowers on a newly-painted fence and supporting the activities team for the day. An opportunity also arose for a couple of the volunteers to have a glimpse behind the scenes, supporting the laundry team. When asked if they were interested, hands shot up. They were thrilled and really enjoyed the experience.

Activities for the day included painted pockets, where splodges of different coloured acrylic paint are sealed in a poly-pocket sleeve. Residents on Memory Lane then spent time pushing the paint around the sleeve to create very pretty patterns.

Later, the NCS volunteers provided homemade cakes for an afternoon tea and hosted two games of bingo. Prizes were awarded for the winner of each game and residents showed their appreciation for the volunteers with a well-deserved round of applause.

Day one: success! Three more to go...

Pippa at 90!

Pippa at 90!

Woodland View resident, Phillipa, celebrated her 90th birthday in style over the weekend.

Pippa was joined by family and friends in a marquee on the grounds of the home. A number of staff members and fellow residents were invited to the event, which featured a lovely range of culinary delights and refreshments – and the weather held!

Pippa would like to thank all those who made her day so special. 

Spirit at Woodland

Spirit at Woodland

Ladies and gentlemen, we are very pleased to introduce an additional PAT dog, who will be calling in to see residents at Woodland View on a regular basis.

Spirit is a beautiful 3 year old Golden Retriever and recently stopped by with owner, Christine, to introduce himself to residents. They'll both have their first formal visit on Tuesday 15th August and Spirit has already won the hearts of everyone he met during his introduction.

Spirit joins the growing number of animal-based interaction sessions currently enjoyed by all residents. 


Colin & Martha hit the right note!

Volunteer, Colin Bennett, walked into Woodland View on the morning of Monday 31st July to play the piano for residents, as he does each week, and got a bit of a surprise!

On display in the reception area was a pop-up banner with Colin's name on it. Colin has been visiting Woodland View as a volunteer, most Monday's, for well over a year. He and his little dog, Martha, are firm favourites with residents, especially those on the Memory Lane community. Colin was nominated by a number of residents and staff for the Barchester Care Awards 'Volunteer of the Year' award and won the divisional round. He will now go through to the finals later in the year.

During his morning session on the piano, he was congratulated on this achievement and everyone gave him a round of applause. He was very surprised but very pleased at the recognition, thanking everyone who voted for him.

Good luck, Colin, in the next round - you're already a champion winner to everyone at Woodland View.