Activities at Woodland View Care Home

Activities at Woodland View

Woodland View is passionately committed to providing residents with a varied choice of entertainment, social, health and well being, craft and relaxation based activities.

Activities will all be meaningful and based on the likes of residents and will continue to evolve depending on our residents. The activities provided will also include involvement from other local community based organisations and are open to all residents, family and friends of residents. Our activities will be facilitated by staff from all departments as well as invited guests. Families are also enthusiastically encouraged to play a part in activities when possible.

There will always be at least one person at every activity who has been DBS checked to ensure the safeguarding of our residents. The dignity of our residents and our respect for them is at the centre of everything we do, each and every day.

We are always reviewing and changing our schedule of activities to be a centre of excellence and actively invite feedback and suggestions for new and meaningful activities and ideas.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Petra Hardman

Activities Coordinator

Hi my name is Petra and I'm the Activities Coordinator here at Woodland View. I love seeing the difference that activities can make to each individual, and finding out what interests they have and ensure I incorporate that into our activities here.

I love music and drama coming from a musical background as a singer all over the country, music is important to me and I feel it makes such a difference to everyone, it evokes memories, and creates happiness. I also love to boost residents self esteem by creating pampering sessions and having one to one time to relax and reminisce.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Woodland View Care Home

With a little help from my friends...

With a little help from my friends...

Sunday 30th July is International Friendship Day, so residents at Woodland View have been marking a date in the international calendar in their own way.

As part of the weekly Ladies Lounge session, a small team of ladies are making colourful tapestry thread friendship bands. These will be given out to fellow residents and visitors (whilst stocks last!) over the 3 days prior to the Friendship Day and on the day itself.

Quick... Duck!

Quick... Duck!

It's nice for residents of Woodland View to go out on regular minibus trips every now and then. We often visit a range of areas, such as reservoirs, beauty spots, tea rooms and, of course, garden centres.

Flatford Mill, on the borders of Essex and Suffolk, is owned and run by the National Trust and is an idyllic location for such a trip. Sitting on the River Stour, it features a lock and dry dock and tea room.

Residents enjoyed a cup of tea and a chat before going to feed some of the many ducks (and chicks).



West Bergholt Cricket Club invited residents of Woodland View to one of its 2017 festival days to watch the team play.

A group of cricket-keen gentlemen were transported to the ground in the home's minibus. They were greeted by the club's chairman and seated with a good overview of both the pitch and the various stalls that had been set up. As guests of the cricket club, the gentlemen were treated to a drink, a cupcake and an ice cream. They then sat back to enjoy this truly traditional English past-time whilst recalling their past memories of when they used to play themselves.

At the end of the afternoon, the gentlemen were escorted back to Woodland View in good time for supper, contented with a very nice afternoon's outing. 

The Very Happy Hour

The Very Happy Hour

Friday afternoons at Woodland View just got even better.

Previously, an interactive music session was followed by a 'Happy Hour' in the Woodland Arms, the home's very own pub. Deciding to play around with the format to see what happens, the 'Happy Hour' and interactive music session have now been combined to become 'The Very Happy Hour' - and residents love it!

Residents are provided with a number of percussion instruments, song sheets and - along with a bubble machine - a wonderful atmosphere and afternoon’s entertainment is created.

Wimbledon Hopefuls

Wimbledon Hopefuls

Woodland View is doing its own thing again and having lots of fun in the process!

It is doubtful that we'll see any residents on the Wimbledon centre court, but throughout the summer, you're likely to see them playing table tennis is the gardens, enjoying some fresh air and refreshments during a break.

A Choco-lot for everyone!

A Choco-lot for everyone!

Celebrating World Chocolate Day, Woodland View took it upon themselves to try something a little different.

Friends and relatives were invited to the home, where chocolate creations and smaller commercial goodies were brought together for an auction. Those interested in a particular item wrote their name on a form with their bid. At the end of the afternoon, the person bidding the highest for each item got to take it away.

Samples of a bespoke and completely decadent white and dark chocolate, rum, brandy and fresh cream with amaretti biscuit torte were provided to promote this main prize. The lucky winner, Mary, wife of resident, Jeremy Carter, was able to state a date later in the year when this chocolate heavyweight would be made in time for a party she was planning.