Celebrating life at Barchester

We celebrate life through everything we do, from our thoughtful experiences and activities to our delicious food. We offer the latest technology as well as sensory engagement to nurture the wellbeing of our residents. With a wide variety of tailored activities and events we make sure our residents have the best physical, mental, spiritual and social stimulation, all bespoke to them. Take a look at what we’ve been up to…

Werrington Lodge Care Home

Easter gifts from Morrisons

A big thank you to Morrisons for the donation of a FREE Easter egg for every resident and staff member. They also gifted Werrington Lodge enough hot cross buns to see us all the way through this pandemic.


Westwood House Care Home

Mother's Day

All of our mums enjoyed a lovely Mother’s Day. They loved the flowers we bought for them and also the homemade cakes and sherry that we had on offer. Cards were read out and gifts were unwrapped and lots of lovely messages came through from their loved ones via Skype or Facetime. We made every effort for families to be in touch as much as possible on this special day and made sure that all of our mums and nans were aware of the love their lovely families have for them and that they were being thought of even in this difficult time when they are unable to be close by.


Paternoster House Care Home

Messages of Kindness

We would like to say a special thank you Upshire Primary School and the year 3 students at Theydon Boys Primary for their lovely bright pictures, poems and uplifting letters that they sent to Paternoster House for our residents and staff to look at, read and enjoy. We have used their wonderful creations to brighten up our home by displaying them for all to see. 

Harton Grange Care Home

Harton Grange

Well done you all do a fantastic job and look after our dad do well. Please stay safe and will see you all soon.

Woodland View Care Home

Enjoying a Cuppa in the Sunshine

While the weather is bright and sunny we decided to make good use of our internal gardens by taking a cup of tea outside into the sunshine. As we are unable to do trips out of the home at present due to the current restrictions, we are very lucky to be able to make the most of the beautiful gardens available at our home.

Woodland View Care Home

Rainbows and Best Wishes

Here at Woodland View we are keeping positive and sending out love and support out to those in the community. We have made rainbows and banners to share our best wishes with those working in the NHS and to everybody in the community. Residents enjoying being able to do this to share our positivity and contribute to brightening the road where we live.

Cookridge Court Care Home

Keeping in Touch via Social Media

At Cookridge Court, we’re helping to tackle any feelings of isolation during this difficult time. Our teams are helping our residents use iPads, Skype, Facebook and facetime as a way to reach out to families, friends and loved ones.

This has been heart-warming for our residents, bringing smiles and a sense of comfort to them, knowing their families are safe and well. We wanted to make it even more special for the resident’s families and have been emailing photographs with personal messages from each resident to their loved ones. Keeping spirits high is even more important than usual at the moment and our residents’ thoroughly enjoyed working with our activities team to come up with their messages

Hundens Park Care Home

Hundens Park

I will be clapping for you guys at Hundens Park in Darlington where you are all doing a fantastic job of keeping my mum safe. Xx

Austen House Care Home

Spread Hope

Residents at Austen House have keeping busy during this time by making rainbows! This is one of the ways being used to try and keep morale up in communities is by painting rainbows

The current trend appears to have started in Italy but has also been adopted by the US, Canada and Spain, where people have adorned their windows and balconies with colourful pictures. We want to spread hope and cheer to anyone passing by Austen House.

Hollyfields Care Home

Hollyfields Stays Connected

Here are Hollyfields we are doing everything we can to support not only our residents but also their friends and family through this tough time. Staff are really embedding the whole home approach with activities and the atmosphere is pleasant, fun and engaging.

Our local Tesco store donated some flowers to our home for Mothering Sunday which enabled staff to sit and engage with them whilst opening their cards and gifts from loved ones that had been left for them, this also enabled some of our residents who used to do flower arranging for their hobbies maintain some of their skills and enable reminiscent activities.

We’ve also been keeping up to date with our relatives and friends of Hollyfields & Ivy House by the means of Skype & Social media allowing residents who are living with dementia the opportunity to keep that recognition of their loved ones alive. Residents have enjoyed talking to and seeing their families with the help of our dedicated staff team.

We have also extended our Pen-Pal Scheme to other schools in the area before they closed their doors to help with social distancing. Both Franche Community Primary School in Kidderminster & St Anne’s Primary School in Bewdley have joined us to enable pupils to carry on with their reading and writing skills, knowing that their letters, poems, drawings or stories will bring a smile to our residents when they receive them. We have proven over the last three years now that intergenerational projects such as these really do increase the wellbeing and spirits of our residents.

Staff have been joining residents for cinema clubs with residents choosing their favourite films to watch. Oh Course no cinema is complete without the smell of freshly made popcorn which “tastes as good as it smells” said one resident.

Taking part in Nutrition week, staff provided fresh fruit smoothies, homemade cakes and biscuits, hearty breakfasts and relaxing afternoon teas.

The sunshine has finally come out to play “Hip, Hip, Hip Hooray” and residents have enjoyed short walks around the grounds picking daffodils and taking in the fresh air keeping social distancing in mind of course. The smells of the flowers and the smells of the farmers’ fields didn’t exactly go hand in hand, but did bring opportunity for meaningful reminiscence.

‘CONNECT’  is our new scheme which has featured on BBC Hereford & Worcester, again encourage those who are self-isolating not to be alone but join us for a chat over the phone or to put them in contact with services that me able to help them during this difficult time.

Thank you for taking time to read our letter & until the next time,  STAY SAFE!

Marriott House and Lodge Care Home

Messages of Kindness

We don't usually stand that far away from residents but, we have to distance a bit under the current circumstances. 

We have been overwhelmed by what we have received and it has made such a difference. We feel really loved! We have received  cards, letters, pictures, poems and about 50 emails that we are reading with residents and replying to on a daily basis. It really does make us feel part of an amazing community. One family sent us a whole story, and the children had drawn illustrations of the characters. They've even promised us a sequel!

One residents, Pat, said she didn't think she would ever learn how to use a computer, but is now sending emails with our help. Pat said not seeing her family and friends is so hard, but the staff are helping her maintain contact with them. She even managed to use Skype for the first time at the age of 90. She loved reading all the cards and messages and looking at the pictures.

Molly, another resident, mentioned how nice it is to know that we are not forgotten, and it is nice to receive lovely post and messages.

Seeing the residents receive these lovely letters, messages and pictures is fantastic. It really has given them something to focus on during this difficult time. Being so isolated is a struggle for everyone, and this project has made such a positive impact on people. 

We would encourage people to continue to send us messages and we will reply as much as quickly as possible. We have a board in the lounge for them to be displayed on. 

If anyone requires any further information, please contact Marriott House and Lodge on 01243 536652.


Lancaster Grange Care Home

Lancaster Grange

I'm missing my mum like mad. She has dementia but I know she is being well looked after in Lancaster Grange. They are brilliant with her xx

Cherry Trees Care Home

Rainbow Smiles All Around

Our residents were thrilled to receive letters and rainbow pictures from the local Alcester community and school children; they certainly brightened the day! We want to send a big 'thank you' to everyone and ask you to keep them coming, we will put them all on display for every resident to enjoy. ‘Stay safe’ everyone; we miss you all.

St Thomas Care Home

We'll Never Walk Alone

We were thrilled to receive a certificate of support from Liverpool Football Club. Following an email to the club by one of our Nurses, who is a staunch supporter, the Club sent the certificate through. It is now proudly displayed throughout the Home for the residents and staff to see.

Mulberry Court Care Home

Community Spirit

Residents and colleagues at Mulberry were delighted to answer the door to accept a special delivery from their local Morrison’s outlet, who were out delivering free fresh bread and bakery items to carers and key workers across the York area for everyone to enjoy and in recognition of the homes hard working, dedicated team supporting residents during this difficult period. 

The cheese scones were particularly tasty! The aroma of these tasty treats can be smelt throughout!

On behalf of Mulberry Court, residents and colleagues would like to pass on their gratitude for being considered at this time of uncertainty and hope everyone stays safe and well. Such a nice gesture thinking of us care homes and everyone joining forces to keep the community spirit together!

The Spires Care Home

Spires Smile Messages

Residents are writing wonderful appreciation messages to the team and team members are writing messages of thanks and support to each other.

Hethersett Hall Care Home

Peter's Story

Our resident Peter thoroughly enjoys spending time at his desk making some fantastic model planes and he would like to share where his love of model making began:

"Years ago when my twin boys were little, I enjoyed helping them to make Plastic "Air Fix" models which they received as Christmas and Birthday presents. My wife and I decided to leave London and retire near our son in Norfolk but sadly after six months my wife passed away. To alleviate the loneliness and boredom my son convinced me to take up modelling again.

On my iPad I found 5-6 companies who make outstanding modelling kits. I chose to specialise in World War 1-2 Aircrafts. Their kits are 2-fold i.e.; one is free flight which contains a special Chinese rubber band and connected to a propeller 75-100 which in turn gives me 12-15 seconds of flight. The alternative is Radio Controlled which I feel I may be too old for!

To date, I have made two WW1 planes and one WW2 plane, both British and I have loved flying them in the garden. My latest project is a Messerscmih -109; a German Fighter plane and the pride of Hitler's air force!  This fighter plane was used to combat the air force "Spitfire" and became second best but sadly does not fly. As my birthday is coming up I have no doubt my family will see I have another plane which will be an American "Cessna" used in the Vietnam War.  My young grandson loves hanging these planes from his ceiling too.

My other company of models is those of the famous painter Leonardo Da Vinci who was not only a painter but was also Italy's most famous engineer who invented the Mathematical Clock which is proudly displayed in my room.

My door is always open should you wish to have a chat and see my creations".

Ashford House Care Home

Ashford House

Made plenty of noise for the amazing team looking after my Dad in Ashford House Care Centre, Stanwell. Thank you so much.