Our Environmental, Social, and Governance Committment 


Barchester Healthcare has been committed to activities now commonly captured under the “ESG” heading for many years.

During 2023, Barchester worked with an independent third party to review the status of our ESG activities, and more importantly to set key criteria for these activities to continue to develop over time.  The principal activities and metrics are set out below, but there are many other areas of interest and work on-going within the company.

ESG is now the subject of a Board sub-committee chaired by the CFO.  The ESG Committee meets quarterly and is attended by all Executive members of the Board, the Chief People Officer, the Director of Customer Experience & Marketing and the Commercial Director.  Relevant subject matter experts are invited to attend where relevant.  Progress on ESG matters are reported to the Board by the Chief Executive.

Bere Grove Care Home Exterior


Barchester has a broad range of measures in place relating to the environment, including:

  • A full time “Energy & Environment Manager”
  • Monitoring of energy consumption statistics by site
  • Water data loggers to monitor consumption patterns to detect constant use, issues or leaks
  • Environmental register to track environment agency requirements, invasive species reporting, monitoring licences and environmental legislation

In terms of the key metrics monitored by the ESG Committee and the Board, with regard to the Environment:

Site Specific Energy Performance Certificates (EPC’s)

Barchester aims to drive the energy efficiency of all site locations, so that no sites have a rating below a “C” standard.  As at the end of December, positive progress has again been made.

Proportion of sites with each EPC Rating

Dec 20223.2%51.4%30.4%8.1%2.4%0.8%3.6%
Dec 20234.4%62.0%23.6%3.2%2.4%0.8%3.6%
Dec 20246.04%70.19%16.60%1.51%2.26%0.38%1.89%

Solar Power Capability

Barchester has committed to invest at least £2million per annum to deploy solar panels across its estate to generate carbon free electricity.  In addition, all of our new build care homes are built with solar panels.  The latest progress on these installations is set out below:

 No. SchemesEnergy Savings (MWh)Carbon Savings (tCO2)
As at Dec 2022257593,923
As at Dec 2023442,27811,780
As at Dec 2024703,95920,470

LED Lighting

Barchester was committed to converting all of its light fittings (where suitable) to LED alternatives by December 2024.  This has now been achieved as at end of December 2024, 100% of the sites in the estate were 100% on LED fittings.

Overall Energy Consumption

Overall energy consumption by Barchester, and the source of the energy used, is shown below.

Fuel 2024202320222021
Gas (kWh)134,353,057130,142,624131,150,794137,782,689
Electricity (kWh)43,875,40143,852,23843,325,94743,872,885
Oil (kWh)74,13073,915151,887208,345
LPG (kWh)1,679,3181,495,6191,445,7521,454,132
Biomass (kWh)917,1061,136,5651,102,8461,186,142
TOTAL (kWh)180,899,011176,700,961177,177,226184,504,193

At this time, the business has not purchased certified “green” energy, due to the substantial cost associated with securing the renewable energy certificate (REGO).  This will be reviewed at the time of the next utility tendering exercise.

Emissions Management

Barchester’s CO2 emissions, by energy source, are set out below.  These figures are only produced annually, so 2024 represents the most recent available data. 

2024 SCER

Gas (kWh)24,2811.50
Electricity (kWh)8,7450.54
Heating Oil (litres)710.00
LPG (litres)2,6110.16

2023 SCER

Gas (kWh)23,4011.50
Electricity (kWh)8,7780.56
Heating Oil (litres)780.00
LPG (litres)2,3260.15

2022 SCER

Gas (kWh)23,6241.55
Electricity (kWh)8,1920.54
Heating Oil (litres)2820.02
LPG (litres)2,5270.17

2021 SCER

Gas (kWh)25,3301.64
Electricity (kWh)8,4680.55
Heating Oil (litres)5290.03
LPG (litres)2,0860.14

Waste & Resource Management

In partnership with our waste management partners, in the previous 12 months (ending December 2024), Barchester sent to landfill 2.69% of its waste (representing 298,785 kg).  In Q4 2024, Barchester sent to landfill 2.71% of its waste (representing 76,056 kg). At present, Barchester targets to send less than 3% of waste to landfill. It is not presently possible to reduce this due to the clinical nature of some of the waste products produced from care homes.

Chef Academy


Barchester takes its social responsibilities seriously, not least given its role in the centre of social care in society.  One of our key commitments is to pay above the National Minimum Wage (NMW), and currently we undertake to pay at least 40p / hour above the NMW.


Example of constituent elements

Culture & Workplace

Above National Minimum Wage Employer, People strategy, Internal Communications Team, Speak Up programme, Wellbeing, Leadership Development, Apprenticeships, employee Net Promoter Score


Barchester’s Charitable Foundation, Volunteer Programme, Community Engagement Initiatives


Customer Experience Team, Customer Feedback, Net Promoter Score, Google Score, Carehome.co.uk Score


Tell Barchester, Best Companies

Corporate Compliance

Modern Slavery Statement, Gender Pay Report, Whistleblowing Policy, Disability Awareness

Barchester's Charitable Foundation

Barchester’s Charitable Foundation is a registered charity that helps older people and adults with a disability across England, Scotland, Wales & Jersey.  The Foundation’s focus is to connect or re-connect people with others in their local community, and it supports applications that combat loneliness and enable people to be active and engaged.  Further information can be found here.

The total grants awarded in 2024 to assist people in their local communities was £335,000 vs £220,646 in 2023.

Resident & Patient Wellbeing, Dignity and Safety

This is expressed internally under Barchester’s strategic objective of “Quality First”.  The belief is that the safety and quality of life enjoyed by our residents and patients is the key driver for the business to be successful.  We undertake our own rigorous inspections of all of our services by an independent team which is used to drive continuous improvement.  One public measure of our performance are the ratings awarded to our services by external regulators.

England (CQC)

As at:  No's of Services Percentage Good or Outstanding
June 2024 221 84.6%
June 2023 221 85.5%

Scotland (Care Inspectorate)

As at:  No's of Services Percentage Good or Outstanding
June 2024 17 94.1%
June 2023 17 88.2%

The above data excludes services that have not yet been rated, typically new developments that have yet to receive their first inspection. 

Inspectors in Wales and Jersey do not publish ratings as such, which affects 5 and 2 services respectively.

Resident & Patient Engagement and Satisfaction

We undertake an internal exercise in the business to understand the Net Promoter Score for each service.  This is also used to drive actions to improve the quality in each service.  External measures of resident and patient engagement and satisfaction are set out below.

As at: Carehome.co.uk Score (Maxmium 10.0)Google Review Score (Maxmium 5.0)
Dec 20249.74.7
Dec 20239.74.7

Workforce Management

We measure the turnover of staff based on a rolling 12 month average.  Internally we monitor and report this statistic across individual services, regions and divisions.  Our strategic target is to have staff turnover below 38%.  

YearCompany Turnover (%)
2024 30.1%


Workforce Inclusion

Our goal is to ensure we have a culture where everyone feels they belong, and celebrates diversity. Everyone should feel they belong. That they are seen, and respected as an individual.

That’s what Inclusion at Barchester is all about. We’re all unique, and what we have in common is our passion for what we do, the care we provide and the services we deliver. Our Inclusion group includes people from across the business, different roles, different locations, all with a passion for inclusion.

Our members meet regularly to develop the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda at Barchester, offering professional expertise and personal experience that informs the group’s work. They champion equality and diversity in their areas of work and throughout the business, raise awareness and issues of concerns and highlight areas of good practice in relation to inclusion.

In our staff survey in 2023, 82.2% responded to say 'I feel that Barchester is inclusive'. In our recent 2024 staff survey, 92% of staff responded to say 'I feel that Barchester is inclusive', which is a 9.8% increase year on year.

Workforce Engagement

The engagement Survey has closed and the overall company eNPS was very positive at 50.7%, up from 42.3% last year.

Below is a table showing the NPS scores for each division against the Barchester overall NPS;


 NW & MidlandsScotland & NECentralSouthHospitals & CCBarchester Overall

Net Promoter Score

Number of responses














 NW & MidlandsScotland & NECentralSouthHospitals & CCBarchester Overall

Net Promoter Score

Number of responses














Gender Pay Gap Reporting 

Barchester reports information in relation to Gender Pay Gap annually.  Details can be found here:

Barchester Healthcare’s Gender Pay Gap Report 2022/23 | Barchester Healthcare

Gender Diversity

Barchester’s employees comprise 78% females and 22% males. 

The top 2% of the company (defined by annual earnings) is 333 employees.  This group comprises 76% females and 24% males.

Staff Training 

Given the nature of the work undertaken in Barchester, training is critical to maintain staff competency, skills and development.  Our most recent training statistics are set out below.

Nine months as at: Hours Training (000s)Mandatory Training completion rate (%)
Dec 2024869.496.0%
Dec 2023885.494.7%
Dec 2022739.993.8%


The Board of Barchester seeks to uphold the highest standards of corporate governance.  Key elements of the Governance Framework of the business are:


Examples of constituent elements  

Board Governance


The Board of Barchester meets regularly and aspires to maintain the best corporate governance compliance. The board maintains a majority of non-executive directors relative to executive directors.

The Board has devolved powers to a number of committees, including:

- Nominations

- Quality & Clinical Governance

- Audit (including risk register)

- Risk (reports results to the Audit Committee)

- Investment

- Remuneration


External Quality Regulation

The business is regulated in each of the four jurisdictions in which it operates by external quality regulators

Health and Safety

The Business has a Director of Health & Safety and a H&S Committee that meets regularly

Internal Audit

An internal audit function exists and reports directly into the Chair of the Audit Committee (independent of the Executive management team)


All policies of the business are scrutinised and approved by the Policy Committee, guided by the Policy Officer.


Barchester encourage staff to “Speak Up” about any concerns they may have, and provide a number of channels for staff to express such concerns – ranging from “Speak-up Champions” in every location to a confidential, independently run helpline.  Each event is reported to the Audit Committee.

Figures for the number of whistleblowing reports are set out below.  

YearTotal Number of Whistle-blowings
2024 54


A summary of the number of grievances received year to date is set out below.  Each grievance is investigated in accordance with the Company’s Grievance Policy.

Year: Number of Grievances
2024 179

Modern Slavery 

Details relating to Barchester’s position with regard to modern slavery can be found here.

Procurement Policy 

Details of our ESG procurement policy can be found here.

Latest news and press

Barchester maintains sector-leading reward package for employees

Great care is delivered by great people, and Barchester Healthcare’s high quality care and premium service is down to our passionate teams and their dedication. 

Speak Up! Month: Fostering a Culture of Openness and Action

October marks Speak Up! Month, a time to champion the importance of raising concerns, listening with empathy, and taking meaningful action. Here at Barchester Healthcare, we believe that every voice matters, and it’s everyone's responsibility to speak up when something isn't right.

Inclusion Group - Our journey so far

Here at Barchester, we understand our team spends a lot of time with each other, so it’s important everyone feels included in the Barchester family.