Celebrate Book Lovers Day

Whether you are a fan of the classics or like to keep up to date with today’s best sellers, reading is a fantastic way to relax and enjoy the words of another world.

Book Lovers Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on August 9th and there's no better reason to celebrate the stories that we love. A popular celebration at our Barchester care homes, we've highlighted some of the best ways to make the most of this Book Lovers Day:

Join a book club

Book clubs are a fantastic way for people of all ages to meet new friends and discover new novels. A great way to connect to others and make new friends, book clubs are a fan favourite for staff and residents at Barchester. Book clubs happen all over the country and offer a relaxed way to meet others who share interests. Many books now come in an audio format and can be ordered in a large print for anyone with visual impairments.

Visit your local library

Libraries are the heart of a community but many of us have forgotten just how special they can be. Making an effort to visit one or more nearby is the perfect opportunity to discover some new books and find out what's happening in the local area. Many libraries host regular social events themselves or will advertise what other people are doing so you can get involved.

For those that love spending time in their local library, there are also opportunities to volunteer, allowing you to give something back to the community and meet new people. Volunteering can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, especially for retirees who miss the comradery of the workplace.

At Barchester care homes Book Lovers Day is celebrated in various ways, including special book readings from local authors to movie screenings of adapted literature classics. To find out if your local Barchester care home is marking the occasion this year, click here.

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