Celebrate like a Queen: Another Year Older

When you're young, you can barely sleep with excitement in the days (maybe even weeks) leading up to your birthday. But this eagerness to turn another year older seems to fade as we age.

Great Britain’s longest reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II will be celebrating her 92nd birthday (officially) on the 9th of June. This year, her birthday celebrations include the Trooping the Colour and the street parade in London where the public can celebrate her wonderful life with her. It is always a joyful occasion celebrated all over the world.

One more year

For those of us who aren’t royal, birthdays allow a period of self-reflection of lessons learned over the years. For many, birthdays allow you to hit the reset button; reflecting on happy times or big changes that occurred over the last year, looking over old pictures and going through memory boxes, and making a plan or bucket list to accomplish in the upcoming year.

Good health

A frequent point on the bucket list is to make improvements to our lifestyle for our health. Whether this means eating healthier, cutting out certain food types such as sugar or red meat, or incorporating different activities and exercises, birthdays can represent day one of the changes, and allow us to appreciate our body getting to the next landmark age.

Family and friends

Celebrating another year older can give us the opportunity to appreciate all the people who make our lives special. Birthdays at Barchester are always marked as a cause to celebrate. Staff and family and friends will often get together with balloons, cake and cards for the birthday person, and have a hearty singalong as they blow out the candles.

Residents are able to invite their families round to celebrate in the many lounge areas at the home, and if the weather’s good, in the surrounding gardens for outside games. Some residents also choose to go out for the day to watch a show or visit a fancy restaurant.

The Queen's Birthday at Barchester

For the Queen’s birthday on the 9th of June, many Barchester homes will be partaking in a summer fete, where members of the community will visit the home to enjoy delights prepared by the hospitality teams, bouncy castles, and live entertainment with a birthday theme. To join in with the Royal birthday festivities at Barchester, find your nearest Barchester care home here.

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