Home away from home: How to personalise your loved one's space

Being able to add personal items when you move into a care home can make a big difference on how quickly you adjust to your home-away-from-home.

Bringing personal items with you when you move into a care home is one of the easiest and most effective ways of making it feel like home. Our Barchester teams do our very best to try to make you feel as welcome and comfortable as we can, but we know that getting used to a new place with new people can be intimidating at first.


Photographs are one of the most popular ways that residents make their room feel like home when they move in. At Barchester, our maintenance teams will help you put up as many photos as you like in your room, and you can use photo albums and memory boxes to keep your mementos close at hand.


Art on the walls provides different experiences to everyone. In our Memory Lane communities, our specialised units for residents living with dementia, many homes will use various images to help residents reminisce on positive images such as famous actors, musicians and historical moments. A creative use of space, art not only helps to make a room and the home more beautiful, but allows residents to have thoughtful, reflective time. To personalise you or your loved ones’ room, why not put up some art of your favourite singer or movie? Or one of a favourite destination, like a holiday setting or festive occasion which can help to recall positive memories.

Favourite foods

Our hospitality teams at Barchester create nutritious, tasty menus that vary day to day, and are all made fresh in the kitchens at the home daily. One way to settle in at the home is by letting the chefs at the home what your favourite foods to enjoy are. Each department, as you settle into the home, will come to visit and introduce themselves to you. Having your favourite dishes made can help to make you or your loved one feel more comfortable at the home, knowing that you can eat whatever dish might take your fancy, or might be part of your weekly traditions at home that you’re used to.


Our homes have a variety of books and games for residents to use, but often newcomers are a little nervous about going into communal areas in their first few days. Having some of their favourite books and games from home can be a great way to help them relax when they first move in. The activities team at Barchester will do their very best to provide a mix of activities, both individual and group so you can still do all of the activities you enjoy, such as gardening, baking, art or music, or anything new you would like to try- even if it’s just a trip to the local pub! Our teams throughout Barchester are here to help make your time in our care as comfortable as possible.

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