Memory boosting foods

It is becoming more and more obvious to many of us that what we put into our bodies is important. “You are what you eat” has never been more apt.

But more importantly, we’re recognising that food can also seriously affect our health when it comes to chronic or serious conditions.

But what foods can affect your memory? We’ve got a list of some that are known to be able to improve your memory capacity.


Berries, especially the darker ones such as blackberries, blueberries and cherries, are an incredibly rich source of anthocyanins and other flavonoids that may boost memory function. They are also a rich source of antioxidants.

While a lot of berries are seasonal, don’t let this put you off. You can still get the memory-boosting benefits from fresh, frozen or dried berries. Try a handful for a snack, or mix them into your cereal.


Avocado is an all around winner. Whether it’s mashed onto some toast with cream cheese, or mixed up into guacamole – we all love it. But this creamy treat is also very high in Vitamins E and C, both powerful antioxidants.

Next time you’re having a salad, try slicing some in, or mash it into a sandwich instead of mayo to give it a creamy finish.


Fatty fish is proven to be high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for helping improve memory. These fatty acids are the most abundant kind present in the brain, so it makes sense that if you have more, your brain will work better.

When sourcing your fish, look for salmon, Bluefin tuna, sardines and herrings. Try substituting fish for meat a couple of times a week in order to get the best dosage of these fatty acids.

Sunflower Seeds

While all seeds are good for you, sunflower seeds are especially so. One ounce of dry-roasted sunflower seeds contains 30% of your RDA of Vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant.

But how do you get more of them into your diet? Try sprinkling them on your salads or cereal.


Turns out that your mother was right all along, you should eat all your vegetables. Cruciferous ones – for example, kale, broccoli, cabbage and other dark leafy greens – may help improve your memory.

Raw kale salads are all the rage these days, although you can also try substituting kale or leafy greens instead of lettuce in your next salad.


Walnuts are well known for having a good impact on the health of your heart, but did you know they might help your memory too?

Next time you’re peckish, try a handful of walnuts instead of a biscuit, or toss some into a salad. You brain will thank you.

Vegetable oil

It may seem odd, but vegetable oil is a big source of the key antioxidant Vitamin E. There is a lot of research around how good Vitamin E is for you, but this hasn’t been replicated when the studies have been repeated with supplements.

Not sure how to incorporate it into your diet? Try vegetable oil-based salad dressings. 

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