Top 3 Ways to Stay Mentally Active

Everyone has the occasional moment in which they forget a familiar name during a conversation or can’t remember why they have walked into another room. Whilst lapses in memory can occur throughout our lives, they become a little more common as we age and often begin to frustrate us. For this reason, it’s important to employ strategies in which we can protect and even improve our memory. 

Use your brain!

It’s been proven countless times that reading can help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia – a higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age, as those that habitually keep mentally active and constantly challenge their brain are believed to activate process that stimulate connections among brain cells. If reading isn’t your thing but you still need to challenge your brain, try pursuing a new activity, like painting, drawing or gardening. At Barchester we provide several popular clubs to ensure your retirement is the most valuable time of your life. Another effective way to use your brain efficiently is by giving it a helping hand– for example, rather than relying on your memory to remind you about your niece’s birthday, make use of calendars, planners and journals. Making routine information easily accessible will mean you’re more able to focus on learning new things.

Be physically active

The importance of being physically active cannot be understated when supporting an attempt to remain mentally active. Keeping your heart pumping and circulation flowing leads to an increase in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your brain, which in turn improves mental agility when combined with extra mental activity. Why not try going for a brisk walk at some point this week? Then why not go a little further the following week? Remember when exercising more, to have a nutritious, balanced diet to ensure your replenishing the vitamins and minerals you use when you exercise.

Stay Socially Engaged

Older people living on their own are particularly vulnerable to loneliness – it becomes easier and easier to be socially isolated as you begin to find it a little harder to get out. Why not have a look at our care homes if you’re afraid you have a loved one who is spending a lot of time on their own? Being on your own can lead to a serious decline in mental health, therefore it’s important to converse with your friends, family and neighbors whenever possible.  Barchester are proud to offer music therapy in a number of our dementia care homes, which is beneficial as a method of boosting memory and gives an opportunity for discussion and companionship. The therapy has also been praised for strengthening participants’ ability and confidence to communicate with all types of people, which they were not able to do before.

At Barchester we pride ourselves on our ability to keep our guests’ brains and bodies active, with care and specialist services tailored to meet all your needs. Contact us to find out more about how you can find the right care for a loved one.

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