Why 60 is the Best Age to Get Fit

60 is the perfect age to get fit. Exercise has a multitude of health benefits – it can fight off diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis as well as reversing the aging process, but what if you haven’t exercised for decades? Not exercising is one of the primary factors in age-related problems like muscle loss, stiffness and declines in balance and strength. It’s never too late to start getting fit. While you may not be able to swim 20 lengths or play 90 minutes of football like you once would have done, exercise that is adapted to your age and lifestyle will do you the world of good and can make you feel 20 years younger.

What kind of activities should you try?

In your 20s, you’re able to take a month off exercise and jump straight back in, but this isn’t the case as you reach your 60s and 70s. Whilst there is no ‘one size fits all approach’ to exercising after 60 – starting with walking, climbing stairs or even lifting yourself out of your chair ten times in an hour can have an impact. Any exercise that you feel able to do will help to some degree. Barchester offer a number of activities for residents in our care homes including gardening, exercise and local walks.  They are also a great way to socialise with fellow residents. By exercising regularly, you will be able to build up resilience, giving you more energy throughout the day whilst also helping you to get a good night’s sleep. (Also good for staying young at heart)

Remember the importance of diet when exercising more, because if you are using more energy than usual it is crucial to have a good balanced diet. Barchester’s menus are nutritious, varied and healthy and so are perfect for refuelling post-workout.

What will happen after I exercise more and become more active?

By getting up and walking around your residential care home, or perhaps even a slow jog, your heart’s capacity will increase meaning your cardiovascular stamina will too. This has benefits to how you feel physically and mentally. Starting with a slow walk and building it up until you can go faster and faster will be transformative– you will find that your day-to-day tasks will become easier as your energy levels go up.

Increasing your activity levels will also build up strength, which is essential in reducing falls and can help make it easier to remain independent as you reach your 70s and 80s. It’s also nice to reduce stiffness where possible – one of the most common difficulties of aging. Another benefit of exercise is keeping your brain awake and alert. Increasing the oxygen to your cerebrum will improve your balance and coordination (again reducing your risk of falls).

Exercising with dementia

Leading a lifestyle with plenty of activity is great for those with dementia – it has a significant impact on wellbeing and can be beneficial both mentally and physically, particularly in the later stages of the disease. Whilst at Barchester, we provide specialist dementia care to those that need it, meaning everyone can join in.

Our staff are here to ensure our residents’ exercise level and diet makes them feel young and full of energy. If you want to ensure your parents or grandparents make the most of their retirement than make sure to have a look at some of our care homes near me

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