Do you understand your medication?

Do you understand your medication?

When taking medication it is vital that you are aware of dosage, instructions for use and any possible side-effects.

However, a recent survey has revealed that a third of people over the age of 65 do not understand the information displayed on health products, Age UK reported.

Researchers at the University College London found that for one in eight this was because they had literacy problems and those who could not understand the information were approximately twice as likely to die within five years than those without learning difficulties.

Commenting on the findings, Age UK's Michelle Mitchell explained that people need to be given information they understand, so that "patients will be better empowered to manage their own health conditions and make the positive lifestyle choices that lead to better health and wellbeing".

It would also be beneficial for medical professionals to sit down with patients and explain their medication to them, so that any worries, discrepancies, or misunderstandings can be dealt with.

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