MPs call for wealthy older adults to lose free bus pass

MPs call for wealthy older adults to lose free bus pass

Wealthy older adults ought to have their free bus pass taken away, according to a new paper published by the Free Enterprise Group.

Some 39 Conservative MPs are among the supporters of the organisation, including the Treasury minister Sajid Javid, reports the Daily Telegraph.

Skills minister Matthew Hancock and childcare minister Elizabeth Truss are also known to be backers of the Free Enterprise Group.

"There is growing acceptance that winter fuel payments for millionaires are perverse and unfair," the report, written by Conservative MP for Kingswood Chris Skidmore, said.

It was also noted that a free bus pass and free TV licences could be cut from the wealthiest older adults in order to save money.

Former deputy prime minister John Prescott was singled out by the report as one of the wealthy older adults who should have to do without the benefits.

Ms Truss, founder of the Free Enterprise Group, stated it was set up to recast the argument about free enterprise for a new age.

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