New gene 'cause of familial MND'

New gene 'cause of familial MND'

Research has identified a new gene as the cause of inherited motor neurone disease (MND), the third one to be discovered in 2010.

This increase in knowledge means that families of those with MND, who may be helped by home care, could be tested for the disease more in the future.

Dr Bryan Traynor, who led the study, looked at an Italian family affected by familial MND and found a mutation in the genetic instructions for making Valosin-Containing Protein (VCP).

Follow up studies indicated that faulty VCP is responsible for one to two per cent of instances of familial MND.

Brian Dickie, director of research development at the MND Association, said: "New findings on MND are coming thick and fast compared to a decade ago and it is through this accelerating knowledge that we will understand and ultimately defeat this devastating disease."

Meanwhile, a new drug which tackles uncontrollable laughter or crying in MND sufferers has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the US.

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