Osteoarthritis pilot scheme 'sounds excellent'

Osteoarthritis pilot scheme 'sounds excellent'

A new pilot scheme which allows patients to make informed choices about their osteoarthritis treatments "sounds excellent", according to a national charity.

NHS Direct is now running an online patient decision aid, which means those with osteoarthritis in the knee can decide what treatments are the best suited to them straight away, without having to make an appointment with their doctor.

According to Lynne Love, the director of operations at the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS), anything that helps to provide patients with more information on their condition and the possible treatment procedures is to be welcomed.

She went on to say that there are many simple actions that can ease the pain of living with osteoarthritis.

Ms Love explained: "People with rheumatoid arthritis get very stiff sometimes and have trouble then getting out of bed.

"Once they have had a warm bath that sometimes aids their movement."

According to the charity Arthritis Care, the pain of the condition is often such that it prevents people from carrying out typical daily activities, such as making a cup of tea, going to the shops or even hugging a loved-one.

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