Overactive AMPK enzyme linked to Alzheimer's

Overactive AMPK enzyme linked to Alzheimer's

Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) in San Diego, California believe they have made a breakthrough which could lead to a better understanding of how Alzheimer's disease develops and how it can be prevented.

Tests on mice with the cognitive disorder found that it is linked to an over-activation of an enzyme called AMPK in the brain.

"These findings open up many new avenues of investigation, including the possibility of developing therapies that target the upstream mechanisms leading to AMPK over-activation in the brain," said professor Franck Polleux, who led the new study.

The study's findings have been welcomed by Dr Simon Ridley, head of research at Alzheimer's Research UK.

However, he warned that because AMPK is involved in many of the body's processes, much more work will need to be carried to determine whether it is the correct target for Alzheimer's drugs.

The US study was published in the Neuron journal earlier this month.

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