Scans to diagnose autism?

Scans to diagnose autism?

New research could lead to a better diagnosis of autism, scientists have said, which could indicate which individuals may require respite care in the future.

Columbia University researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to obtain an early and objective indicator of which children may have the condition, according to research published in journal Radiology.

Using the imaging technique, researchers measured the neural activity in working brain tissues while the children listened to recordings of their parents talking to them.

Joy Hirsch, of the institution, said that with the high prevalence of the disorder, there should be an objective method of diagnosis.

"However, the diagnosis of autism currently remains limited to parent and clinician observation of missed developmental milestones," she explained.

Meanwhile, research published in journal Biological Psychiatry, maintains that animal models could be further used to understand the social deficits of conditions such as autism and schizophrenia.

Find out about Barchester's support for adults and children with a wide range of Autistic spectrum conditions

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