TV personality speaks of dementia heartache

TV personality speaks of dementia heartache

Ahead of World Alzheimer's Day (September 21st), television actress Lynda Bellingham has spoken of the devastating effect dementia has had in her life.

Ms Bellingham lost her adoptive mother to Alzheimer's disease five years ago after a long battle, then a year later she found out that her birth mother had developed the condition, she told the Daily Telegraph.

Having witnessed the devastating effect that dementia can have on loved ones and the pain and distress this causes for their families, Ms Bellingham has worked tirelessly for dementia charities since then.

She told the newspaper: "I don't want to spend the next 20 years worrying about it, but I do panic a bit when I forget words.

"I'm determined to use my skills to help other people deal with this uniquely difficult illness."

The actress also believes that more funding is needed to help carers to cope with the psychological aspect of their work.

According to the Alzheimer's Society, there are more than 820,000 people in the UK currently living with dementia.

Find out about dementia care and support services at Barchester care homes.


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