Unpaid care workers are 'unsung heroes'

Unpaid care workers are 'unsung heroes'

Scottish Conservative leader Annabel Goldie has described those who care for people with conditions such as dementia without pay as "unsung heroes".

After meeting with volunteers at North Lanarkshire Carers Together in Motherwell, the politician called for better vocational training, according to the Herald.

She went on to say that unpaid carers who help those who are frail or ill through the goodness of their heart need to be recognised, celebrated and appreciated.

"North Lanarkshire Carers Together offers support and representation to people who selflessly give of themselves to help others. We, as a society, cannot hold carers in a high enough regard," the newspaper reports the shadow cabinet leader as saying.

Party education spokeswoman Liz Smith added that too many school children are unaware of the opportunities that vocational training such as care work can offer.

Diane Vincent, who cared for her father while he battled with dementia, has recently released a book of her experiences that she hopes will inspire others.

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