Activities at Iddenshall Hall Care Home

Our teams are trained to enrich the lives of residents through stimulating the mind, body and soul, and taking the time to learn about each person to ensure everyone receives support that adds enrichment to their life. 

Activities here at Iddenshall Hall are an integral part of every day life for each of our residents. We strive to include as many of our residents as possible with the activities schedule. Our Schedule is released monthly and includes activities such as poetry afternoons, indoor games, Bingo, flower arranging, pamper days, quizzes, exercises, various musicians and entertainers, Pat Dog Visits, Music Therapy, discussion groups and trips out in our minibus to local places of interest and further afield to see the Blackpool Lights or to Knowsley Safari Park.

We are constantly asking the people who live in our home which events they would like to see taking place and we endeavor to fulfill these requests. Our aim is to provide a varied and packed schedule which allows for a vast array of skill bases and capabilities. We are in constant contact with local groups and businesses, the local Beaver Scout group are always happy to pay a visit to our home, helping with the garden or coming at Christmas to sing carols for us. We also have a small group of volunteers to help us, including pupils from our local 6th form College who visit once a week.

All the above helps ensure the lives of our Residents are fun and fulfilled.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Luisa Painemilla

Activities Coordinator

Hi there, I'm Luisa, Activities Co-ordinator at Iddenshall Hall & Beeston View.

I have worked with the elderly over 8 years and also for fifteen years in the social field as an Activities Coordinator for different social groups in three countries. I have a Degree in Social Integration, a Certificate in Theatrical Psychology and a Music Therapy certificate. In the past I have worked for local authorities and in a cerebral palsy home.

My work is very rewarding and it is a pleasure planning events and activities each month. I enjoy interacting with Residents and learning about their interests, preferences and experiences.

Look out for our activities and events - you are welcome to join us!

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Iddenshall Hall Care Home

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Music Moments for Christmas Eve

We had a fantastic evening with live music of clarinet and flute from "Miles" and his accompanist.

Miles is the nephew of one of our residents, and he gives us a musical moment every year, which our residents really enjoy. 

They also enjoyed a glass of sherry and mince pies while listening to music.

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Baking Cookies

The residents enjoyed baking their own typical Christmas cookies. 

We started by mixing the ingredients while one of them read the recipe, then we used the dough and each one chose shapes with the moulds we had, it was very fun.

The results were delicious, we all tasted and enjoyed the flavour of our Christmas cookies.

20 Years' Long Service for Mandy!

This week, we got to celebrate our Carer Mandy Hughes' 20th year of service to Iddenshall Hall and Beeston View!

Wow, what a totally impressive length in your post Mandy! You are loved so much by the residents, families and your colleagues!

We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU, not only for your dedication, commitment and drive, but above all for being the shining star that you are! The homes would be lost without you, your personality shines through.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and here's to many more years :) Love from your family at Iddenshall Hall and Beeston View!

Tosca the PAT Dog Comes to Visit!

Our Residents at Iddenshall Hall & Beeston View really look forward to and benefit from the regular visits of Tosca and his owner Liz. Tosca is not only a beautiful golden retriever and a wonderful pet but he is also a Pet's as Therapy (PAT) dog too!

To become a therapy dog, dogs must have an incredible temperament, be able to calmly and safely navigate a huge variety of strange environments, be sociable and affectionate but also calm in greeting new people and be generally quite unflappable. Tosca, is all of this and more! He gives the best cuddles and our Residents just love him!


Autumn Expression

Our residents were very creative this week painting the Autumn and everyone really admired their magnificent creations. Each resident was free to choose colours and use the fresh autumn leaves to stimulate their vision, they also listened to music to complement the atmosphere and concentration. The result was great as we can see on our display board.

Our residents love to see this time of year, as they get to watch the leaves change colour and fall from the trees all around our beautiful grounds, just by looking out the window. We're very lucky to have the scenery we do at our home, and it makes crafts like this even more special as we have wonderful views to look out on and gardens to draw.

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Macmillan Coffee Morning

Here at Iddenshall Hall, we joined in the celebration of the Macmillon coffee morning to help the noble cause of people suffering from cancer. The Event was in Iddenshall Hall Library during the morning.

This motivated everyone at the home to join in and enjoy tasting cakes, buns and scones and a sip on delicious cups of coffee. We also entertained residents in morning with a quiz about the origin and details about coffee.

It was a great reason to reflect on this disease and also to celebrate life.

Upcoming events


We have lots planned throughout January, including honouring the King of Rock n' Roll Elvis for his birthday, and celebrating Burns Night! Come along and join us.