Meet the Kings Park Care Home Team

Our wonderful team includes carers, activities coordinators, chefs, housekeepers and more. This carefully selected team will be in place to ensure that residents enjoy their time at the home and are supported to live life to the fullest. Meet the General Manager who can tell you more about what life will be like at Kings Park:

Jenna May

Senior General Manager

Hi, my name is Jenna and I am the General Manager here at Kings Park Care Home. Welcome to our website!

I have worked in senior healthcare roles, including the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, and have spent the past ten years working in management - in a nursing home environment, having experienced domiciliary, acute and nursing care settings. I understand and empathise with challenges residents and their families are going through when looking for a care for themselves or their loved ones. It is my mission to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

Supporting the families of those in our care is something that I feel very strongly about, and from the time of enquiry, through to moving in and beyond, I aim to be there for the families as much as the residents themselves. Moving into a care home can often be a huge change as their loved-one adapts to new surroundings, get to know all of the teams supporting residents with their needs. I am well aware of how important the reassurance and constant communication is for all involved. This is something that the Kings Park family are very good at as a whole, and I am so lucky that I get to share all my knowledge and work with such a fantastic team.

My ethos is ensuring that each and every resident live their lives to the full, celebrating each day in a warm and welcoming environment, with a range of life enriching activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities, outstanding person-centred care and most delicious food prepared by our talented chefs at Kings Park. Being a resident of St. Leonards myself, I have great links with local community, giving the residents opportunity to still feel part of our local community. 


Sarah Diffey

Deputy Manager & Dementia Champion

Sarah has known since she was in her teens that she was going to be destined to work in care...  At school she was the first to volunteer at a local day centre for the elderly where she helped with serving lunches and encouraged them to join in with lots of activities, which she found she really enjoyed.

Training as a hairdresser, then soon after becoming a mother to four gorgeous children, which kept her very busy for the next part of her life, she eventually entered back into the work place, as she juggled motherhood with a night carer role in a nursing home.  This was all she needed to realise that although she enjoyed her hairdressing career, it was care that was her true calling and which she now finds incredibly fulfilling.

Sarah has worked in many differing care roles, but in recent years has stepped up to support in more managerial roles and loves to be part of a team, offering her support to those who are her senior and jumping into do differing jobs to help, as and when needed.

The element she loves most, is the ability to emotionally connect with each of the residents as well as their families, and support them in whatever way she can.

When not at work, Sarah is a big social bunny and loves nothing more than spending quality time with her friends and ever growing family - Can you believe she is now a grandma?

The best bit about her job, is bringing huge smiles to the faces of those around her.

Rebekah Goddard

Home Services Advisor

Rebekah has worked in care since 2012, and is incredibly passionate about the role she plays here at Kings Park, driven by helping others and really making a difference to people's lives. Working with people and knowing that she can have a really positive effect on someone is really important to Rebekah, as well as getting to know families and friends and ensuring that they feel supported as a loved one moves into a home.

'Recent life experiences have helped me to fully understand things from the family’s perspective and I hope to help in every way I can. Having supported my late father as well as my mother with Alzheimer's, I can truly know how people may be feeling when considering care for their loved ones.  Nothing gives me more job satisfaction than seeing a resident and their friends and family smiling as they take this often emotional next step.'

When not at work, Rebekah has a passion for photography and has previous experience with weddings and portraiture.  She has a Lakeland terrier called Archie as well as two teenage children to keep her busy, but also has a love for travel and her favourite past holidays have been touring the USA, where she has many friends & family, but in particular loved visiting Dubai.

Jackie Churchill

Home Administrator

Jackie comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience from her 15 years in the care industry, having worked with adults with learning difficulties and children with autism, before finally working in the older adult care sector.  However, it was through caring for her late grandfather that prompted her to step into the industry, where she specialised in end of life care and providing the much needed support and help to families and loved ones as somebody nears their natural end.

Three years ago, Jackie was offered a role working in a slightly different area of the care home, in the admin sector, which is something that she has grown to love and also where she is able to help and support in a very different kind of way, in caring for families and individuals as they entering into care home life and beyond.  It is here that Jackie feels she has now finally found her calling.

When not at work, Jackie and her partner, Shaun, can often be found walking their 2 year old sprocker, Kenny, or being busy parents to two teenage children.  Jackie loves nothing more than boarding a jet and heading off to the sun for some much needed R&R or on a weekend heading out to a nice pub for a spot of lunch, before a little evening Netflix.

We are so very lucky to have Jackie on board and we are excited to have her as part of our wonderful Kings Park team!

Claudia Canosa

Activities Lead

Claudia moved to the UK from her native South Africa with her family some 6 years ago, although her family are of Italian decent.

With a caring nature, Claudia worked for a domiciliary care company helping in people in the community before eventually working in a care home environment, working up to the role of Senior Carer.

Realising how much she enjoyed making the residents smile, Claudia has now stepped into the role of Activities Lead here at Kings Park and very much loves the interaction with our residents, who have all taken a real shine to her.

Claudia can regularly be seen with our residents in a very creative capacity, enjoying flower arranging or leading everyone in a game of good old fashioned Bingo!

When at home, Claudia is a mother to two boys and a girl and also a pet mum to the the gorgeous, Molly - a Jack Russell cross.

She loves nothing more than curling up on the sofa in front of a good rom/com, with:  The Holiday, The Lakehouse and The Notebook as some of her favourites to date.

We are so happy to have her as part of the Kings Park team.


Bernard Mahlmann

Head of Maintenance

Bernard has worked previously in a boutique hotel before switching to maintenance in the care sector, which is now where he is happiest.

'I love to learn all about our wonderful residents, ensuring that their home is well maintained, safe and comfortable, both in their own personal space as well as the communal areas within the home.'

When not in work, Bernard is the very proud owner of an Indian motorcycle and loves to take leisurely rides during warmer weather.

He also very much enjoys leisurely walks along the cliffs with his partner and their Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Joey.





Monika Olajos

Head Housekeeper & Infection Control Champion

Monika moved from Hungary over 10 years ago to be nearer to family in the Uk and loves being here.

'I love my job, because seeing the residents enjoy a comfortable and clean environment around them is something that I really find fulfilling.  The residents are like my second family and I love to make them happy.'

Monika enjoys to be around our residents and really adores them all.

In her spare time Monika enjoys reading fantasy & romance novels, loves to cook and bake and is obsessive about a clean and tidy house!


Robyn Miller

Admin Assistant

I love welcoming residents, families and visitors to Kings Park and am always ready to ensure everyone receives a warm welcome. As well as fulfilling my administration role, I also rejoice in spending time with our residents and as they very often like to meet and sit near my desk, I am always at hand to help them make a drink and have a chat.  I may be the first smile you see when you visit and you are assured a warm welcome from me and everyone in the home! 

Nicola Warren

Admin Assistant

Nicky has an experienced background in the care sector and loves being around people - The perfect front of house to welcome people into the home!

Nicky says, 'You never know who you are going to meet next and I love this element to my job.  Learning about everyone's different backgrounds and getting to know those I work with is something I really enjoy.'

When not at work, Nicky loves to spoil her family with cooking and baking and she has been known to share delicious cake with her colleagues too - Which they very much appreciate!

Nicky is a true team player and you can often find her in reception with a lovely smile, so stop by and say hello to her.

Caroline Hannam

Senior Carer

Caroline comes to us with over thirty years experience under her belt, having gone straight to college from school and in doing so, achieved her NVQ level I, II & III in care,

Since then, Caroline has amasses much of her experience in a variety of differing care fields, including dementia care, mental health care and also home care.

It's safe to safe that Caroline has much to bring to the table and is a valued member of the Kings Park team.

Outside of work, Caroline spends much time with her West Highland terrier, Teddy, who she dotes on or she can occasionally be found enjoying a little paddle boarding.

Caroline spends much time with her children or whenever she is able to get away, Caroline loves to spend time visiting her sister in Spain, who although is miles away, she is very close to.


Heidi Nye

Community Care Lead & Speak Up Champion

Heidi is one of our lovely night owls and helps to care for our lovely residents on regular night shifts here in our home.

A very kind-hearted, caring and compassionate individual, Heidi's enthusiasm and caring nature are quick to rub off on the rest of the team and she is a real asset to our home.

As a Community Care Lead, Heidi helps organise the care and looks after all of our residents in a gentle and dignified manner, ensuring that all their medication is delivered at the appropriate times.

Outside of work, Heidi keeps herself active and busy and even play women's netball for a local team and as well as this, Heidi has a creative outlet in balloon decoration and design, creating some very impressive displays for parties and events.

Always a fun person to be around, Heidi loves a laugh and giggle with all our residents and makes their lives all the more fun!




Davina Adelphie

Community Care Lead

Davina is a very experienced Community Care Lead here at Kings Park, with over 43 years experience to draw from, thus giving her a wealth of knowledge to share with the team that she supports.

In her past, Davina used to own and run a rest home in West Sussex, so is very well versed with life in a care setting.

'I love to feel like I am needed and can really make a difference to the lives of those who we care for, just brightening up someone's day give me a real sense of purpose, which I love.'

Outside of work Davina is a  loving mother to four grown children and grandma to eight grandchildren, who all keep her very busy indeed.

Davina also loves the outdoors and can be found on her days off, horse riding, sailing, kayaking or doting on her ever growing menagerie of animals; keeping rabbits, guinea pigs and also an African Grey Parrot called Louis!

Samantha Hashtroudi

Senior Carer & Dementia Champion

Sam is a well-loved and experienced member of the Kings Park team.

Having entered into care quite by accident, after helping a dear friend care for her husband, Sam realised that her passion for care was more than just a fleeting whim and that she truly enjoyed this kind of work, finding much in the way of job satisfaction from it.

'Care work wasn't something I actively looked for, but I soon realised how fulfilling it can be, so I decided to educate myself further in this sector and I truly love what I do for others as a result.  

Sam really has a true passion for her work and often supports her colleagues as and when needed.

When not at work, Sam is a keen swimmer and has a real love of cooking, especially Persian food.

Katie Rennells

Hostess/Kitchen Assistant

Katie is our resident multi-tasker, helping out in the kitchen, but also as a host serving meals in the dining room and delivering delicious home made cake and tea around the home to residents and guests alike.

'I really love how the home feels, it's such a warm and friendly place to be and I love working alongside such wonderful people.  Making people laugh and giggle is something I enjoy too.'

On her days off, Katie is kept busy with looking after her horse, Merlin, a brown thoroughbred, which she is currently trying to break in!

Other than that, Katie is also partial to a good drama on TV.

Janet Purdy


Janet works hard supporting our kitchen team, serving food and making sure everyone has plenty to drink too.

During mealtimes, Janet ensures everyone is well catered for and supports with getting residents to and from their desired location for meals.

'Interacting with all the residents here gives me much pleasure and it's lovely to get to know them all, having the occasional giggle and joke or too with them,.'

On her days off, Janet enjoys a full social life with close friends and family, especially with her 2 children and 4 grandchildren who she loves to spend time with.

Other than that, Janet loves holidays, her favourite being Barbados.  Her dream destination would be Australia, where she would love to do a tour!

Sienna Fry


Sienna is hard working, kind and very caring towards all our residents and goes the extra mile to ensure that everyone in the home has all they need.

Working alongside our other Hosts and the kitchen team, Sienna ensures that all the residents have plenty of nourishment throughout the day.

'I very much enjoy making our residents happy and ensuring that they enjoy their meals makes me feel good about what I do.  When I do the tea trolley, having a good natter with our residents, is something that is mutually beneficial.'

Outside of work, Sienna is a shop-a-holic and can often be found in a shopping centre with friends on the look out for a bargain or two.

Sienna often walks her 2 dogs, Prince & Ruby, a Chihuahua and Lhasapoo.  She is also partial to a good Netflix documentary.

Callistus Agbaleje


Following university graduation in his native Nigeria, where he gained a Batchelor's degree in Bio-Chemistry, Callistus moved to the UK in 2023, where he then gained a Masters degree.

Callistus feels that his sense of purpose is to give back to those who need our care and gets much pleasure from doing so.

His warm and gentle demeanour make him a really popular member of the Kings Park team, so that coupled with his wonderful, infectious smile, ensures he spreads a little joy about the home in his wake.

A keen football fan, Callistus love watch matches on the TV, with his favourite team being Manchester City.

Callistus often facetimes with his family back in Nigeria, but especially with his mum, with whom he is particularly close to.


Elizabeth Oni


Elizabeth, who is not long graduated from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, with a Master's Degree in Data Science, and who is also partial to a bit of data analysis, has worked in care for the past year and half.

Elizabeth's kind and bubbly personality, ensures that she is a real hit with all of our residents and loves to be part of the reason that they smile every day - It's one of the main reasons she loves her role in the home.

At home, Elizabeth is a whizz in the kitchen, with one of her favourite dishes being jollof rice and jerk chicken (made with a tomato sauce).

Elizabeth is also a big reader and loves African literature, with fiction being her go to choice.

A keen photographer too, Elizabeth has enjoyed photographing babies and children in a studio setting and also loves to chat about her photography.

Elizabeth has settled in well with both residents and staff here in the home and is a much loved member of the Kings Park team.

Mariliza Hidalgo


Having left college with an NVQ level II extended diploma in Health & Social Care, Mariliza knew exactly which way her working life would progress, with a real passion to make a difference to the lives of the elderly.

Kind, patient and clearly loving her role as carer, Mariliza particularly enjoys chatting with our residents, hearing all of their shared stories and experiences, learning much from their reminiscence discussions.

When not helping our lovely residents, Mariliza is kept busy by her gorgeous two year old daughter, Harper, who keeps her running around!

If Mariliza gets the chance, she loves to watch box sets on Netflix, such as Greys Anatomy or The Big Bang Theory being among some of her favourites.

But by far her most favourite thing, is taking some time to relax in a lovely bubble bath!

Diane Pidgley


Diane's passion has always to help others and before she started her life in the care sector, she spent twenty-five years making a name for herself in the world of prosthetic body parts, creating bespoke pieces and ensuring exact matches for those who had been unfortunate enough to lose limbs etc. through accident, injury or surgery - If this doesn't make a difference to people's lives in the best possible, we don't know what does! She even ran clinics all over the world in places such as, Norway, Madrid, Paris, Jersey and not to be missed out, also locally in Ringwood.

Not wanting to fully retire from work, Diane made the move into domiciliary care, where she learnt to make a difference in another way.

Work aside, Diane can often be found tending her allotment, growing much of her own fruit & veg, but to keep herself fit, she also rides a tandem, goes kayaking on the local waterways and in Christchurch harbour, as well as walks her chocolate labrador, Bruce, with her husband, Garry, who she has been married to for the past twenty-two years.

Ade Ogunbona


Originally from Nigeria, Ade and her family relocated to the UK in 2021, where ever since, has gained experience as a care worker.

Ade is a kind and empathetic individual and is wonderful with our residents,

As a wife and mother to three children aged, seven, four and six months old, Ade definitely is kept busy when she is not in the home.

Whenever she does find a little time for herself, Ade enjoys keeping abreast of current affairs or watches her native Nigerian movies on Netflix, which she loves.

David Omonigho


David came to Kings Park with a proven track record in care, working prior in domiciliary care, as well as for a care agency.

He has a wonderful rapport with many of our residents and is always kind and patient with everyone he looks after.

Moving from his native Nigeria a few years ago, David came to the UK to study in IT, but has since found a calling with us here at Kings Park.

During his free time, David loves to explore the local area and beyond, often taking leisurely walks with his lovely wife, or heading off on the bus to see new territory.

A keen movie buff, David loves a good action/adventure film or even a good sci-fi.

Shaina Singh

Care Assistant

Shaina has a beautiful calming nature about her and is so kind and thoughtful towards all of our residents and the rest of the team.

Moving to the UK a few years ago from her native Punjab, in northern India, Shaina's faith as a Hindu, has been a huge comfort to her.

Shaina loves really get to know the residents well and freely admits she gets attached to them all, really enjoying their company.

Keeping fit is a love of Shaina's and she is a real gym bunny!

A keen cook, Shaina also loves to make her favourite dish, which incorporates spices/herbs, yoghurt, rice & vegetables.

Sarah Tsoghe


Sarah is a wonderful addition to the Kings Park team and is someone who clearly loves her job, having worked in care since her move from her native, Ghana, back in 2022 along with her family.

'I have a passion for helping those around me who are in need and love to support their independence for as long as I possibly can.  I have really found my calling in this job and I love to know I have made a difference to someone's day for the better.'

Sarah has taken to life here in our home really well and it's clear to see she loves being here, which often comes across to our residents.

When at home, Sarah is a loving wife, and mother to her teenage daughter.  She loves to cook and has a real penchant for a very British dish:  Shepherd's pie!  Other that that, she loves making rice dishes, which are her favourites.



Phebe Moses Monday


Originally from Nigeria, Phebe came to the UK to gain knowledge and insight into different types of care and is currently studying for a degree in Family & Human Services.

Kind and very compassionate, we are so lucky to have Phebe as part of the Kings Park team, spreading her smile around the home and so far she has made a really positive impact on both the team as well as our wonderful residents.

Phebe has a love of fashion and also does some modelling in London during her spare time.

Married to her lovely husband, Paul, when not busy with fashion shoots and work, Phebe loves nothing more than spending time with Paul, enjoying the cinema, coffee shops and lovely longs walks.


Emma Madden


Emma consistently delivers first class care to all who she helps day to day and really takes charge of situations, being kind, compassionate and very hard working. 

Emma really listens to our residents and takes on board everything in a bid to make their lives all the better in whatever way she can.

'I love being involved with the residents, sharing a laugh or a joke in order to make their day that bit brighter - Working in care really gives me massive job satisfaction, simply knowing I have made a difference to someone's life.'

At home, Emma loves to cook; Mediterranean food, but in particular, Paella - Her signature dish!  Having spent time living in Gran Canaria this is something she especially loves and has honed well.

Donna Monk


Donna says of her job:  'Every day is so different and that definitely keeps me on my toes!  You just never know what day to day life will bring and I love that.  I also really love the people I care for and get much pleasure from being able to help them day to day and make them smile.'

When Donna is at home and not busy watching her favourite series on Netflix, she loves to go for walks with her partner and two grown up children.  She also looks after her African Grey parrot, Rocky!  

Janna Ruby


Prior to working in care, Janna has been a full time mother to her four amazing children before eventually spending time working out in the community, then finally taking up her role within the Kings Park team.

'I love to listen to all our residents talk about their lives and reminisce - You learn so much from them all, especially about their professions and incredible life experiences.  What I love most is being able to put a smile on their faces.'

With four children at home, Janna certainly likes to keep busy!


Jami James


Jami has a background in domiciliary care, some comes with a wealth of experience to draw from.

Care in our home is very different from being out in the community and Jami explained:  'It's so lovely to be part of a proper team who are all so supportive of each other, which is what I love about working at Kings Park, but I especially love to be able to provide lots of support in whatever aspect of their lives that the residents need it, which gives me real job satisfaction.'

In her down time, Jami is a lover of various types of dance and very much enjoys folk, western & Indian genres in particular.

Jami loves to share her Indian culture with our residents and colleagues.

Harriet Nabbosa


Harriet has an ever growing passion in caring for the elderly and loves working in care.  Having a background in care in the community, Harriet has really taken to her job here at Kings Park and all our residents really appreciate everything she does for them.

'I really love the team spirit working here at Kings Park, which isn't something you get working in the community, so this home is definitely the right fit for me and the residents are wonderful'.

Harriet's heritage is Ugandan and she loves to chat about the wildlife and culture there with the residents.

Vivian Clarke-Hunt

Activities Assistant

Vivian works alongside our Activities Lead, Claudia and together they do everything in their power to put a smile on everyone's faces!

Vivian loves a good game of Scrabble and is very enthusiastic about her role here at Kings Park, being very good at enticing residents to join in the fun.

Having a background in activities for the past ten or so years, Vivian gets much pleasure day to day in her job, especially if there is a good old fashioned sing-along involved.

'Nothing gets everyone going more than a bit of a cockney-style knees up and you can often find me singing a bit of 'Knees up Mother Brown' or 'Doing the Lambeth Walk!', which always makes people laugh.'

Away from her singing, Vivian swims three times a week and is a dab hand at making cakes!

Louise Tandy

Second Chef

Louise started off her chef career over thirty years ago, honing her skills as a pastry chef in a five star hotel in the New Forest.

With every chef have their signature dishes, Louise is no exception, with her favourite meal to cook being moussaka, but is also particularly fond of making her cakes and pastries for all the residents to enjoy.

Louise is mother to two older children, who have now both flown the nest, which frees up her time to re-train her retired race horse, Diva, who she is currently turning into a show jumper.

A keen traveller, Louise's favourite destinations are Spain & Turkey, but when foreign travel isn't on the cards, she particularly enjoys spa breaks, where she can be found relaxing in a jacuzzi or enjoying a treatment or two!

Alan Smith


Alan comes to us with previous experience of housekeeping in the care sector and prior to which was in charge of an industrial printing press for thirty-two years.

Alan spends much time chatting to our residents as he cleans and always make them smile and helping them in whatever way he can and help make their day that bit brighter.

When he is not at Kings Park, Alan is a great family man, with four children and five grandchildren, which definitely keep him on his toes!

Rugby also plays a huge part in his life, enjoying watching it whenever it's on the TV, especially when England are playing.

Besides rugby, Alan can often be found at his local British Legion taking part in games of snooker, another sport which he thoroughly enjoys.

Megan Brown

Housekeeper/Laundry Assistant

Prior to working here at Kings Park Megan has spent much of her time dedicated to the care of her son, Harrison, who she adores.

Megan has proved herself to be a hard working a popular member of the housekeeping team and enjoys very much, her interactions with our residents and ensuring that everything is cleaned and tidied just so.

When not busying herself here in the home, Megan is a bit of a reptile hero...  She has become a bit of a wonder woman, rescuing unwanted lizards of differing varieties, but mainly looking after bearded dragons.  This can be a very interesting topic to discuss with our residents for sure!

Megan is also a lover of arts & crafts, which she has done since she was eight and especially enjoys a bit of cross stitch to relax.