Activities at Milford House Care Home

The Activities Team at Milford House are dedicated to providing a range of stimulating activities for both groups and individuals, that promote both physical and mental wellbeing based upon resident's interests both past and present. As a member of the National Activity Providers Association (NAPA) the team are always striving to incorporate best practice into the array of activities on offer and to enhance their own skills through qualification with NAPA to NVQ Level 3 in Activities Provision. The team combine weekly activity favourites such as sherry mornings with special events, musical entertainments, slide shows, outings in our own mini-bus as well as interacting with local community groups such as Plain Arts Salisbury to showcase resident art and creativity and others who come into the home to interact with our residents. Milford House also benefits from a strong network of volunteers who support the Activity Team as they deliver their programme and who, along with friends and relatives, are always welcome to come and join in our sessions and outings.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Kylie Colman

Activities Coordinator

Kylie has three years experience as an Activities Co-Ordinator and has loved every moment! Having recently joined the Milford team she is looking forward to getting to know all our residents and to delivering, alongside the rest of the team, an interesting and diverse programme of activities.  She loves being outside and in particular organising trips out of the home and activities and events that take place in our gorgeous gardens.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Milford House Care Home

Clay Creations

Residents at Milford House are branching out in their creativity and are currently working with clay to create some delightful owls, which we will be featuring in our newly created exhibition space. The owls have been made and, after they have dried, the next stage will be to paint them. It will be interesting to see how this works, with some residents perhaps opting for a more realistic look and some going for all out colourful decoration. Watch this space – we will report back.

Garden Visits

Residents have been delighted that socially distanced outdoor visits, with strict criteria that follows government guidelines, have been able to start at the home. This has been a huge boost for everyone and is running alongside regular Skype sessions so that everyone can maintain contact with family and friends as much as possible. 

At present, these visits are taking place outside and the weather has played along beautifully. We feel very lucky that we have such a gorgeous garden that allows us to organise these visits.

Lots of Laughs!

Laughter is truly the best medicine, and we have been trying to ensure that there is plenty of it at Milford House! 

Residents always enjoy reminiscence sessions, and these have been key over the past few months, and we have had sessions that have focused on what makes us happy or makes us laugh.

It is often surprising what tickles us and how often it is exactly the same thing that makes others in the group laugh as well. Certainly the weather helps as well, and the more the sun shines the more we seem to laugh.

Letters from the Community

Residents at Milford House have been touched to receive letters, postcards and pictures from the community and, as a result, there are a number of pen pal links that have been set up between residents and local children. The residents are really enjoying hearing about the activities that the children have been undertaking and the drawings have been lovely. 

When conditions allow, we are hoping to invite everyone who has written to come into the home so that we can say ‘thank you’ and meet up face to face.

Remembering VE Day

Residents at Milford House, along with the rest of the nation, remembered VE in various ways. Here in Salisbury though, one war-time memory that kept emerging was central to Salisbury’s part in the war effort; namely the secret spitfire factories that were operating in and around the city.  Each factory was responsible for a different part of the plane which, when assembled nearby, was then delivered to the air force. It was all such a closely guarded secret that many people who lived in Salisbury throughout the war were unaware of what was taking place right in the centre of the city!  Residents decided that this was such a key moment that they wanted to mark this part of their history by painting their representations of the Spitfire. The results were amazing and are on display in our conservatory.

Courtyard Singalong

There is nothing residents and staff at Milford House love more than a singalong, and the fabulous weather gave us an opportunity to spread out around our inner courtyard and all combine for some impromptu song and general theatrics. Leading one of the songs was our very own Michael Ball in the shape of Glen. who works in laundry. A great afternoon was had by everyone!

Upcoming events

Need a venue?

Need a venue?

We have a room that is available to hire for free to members of the local community.