Activities at Mortain Place Care Home

Our activities team are great at building the activities programme around the likes and interests of the people we care for. Ensuring that our social events offer fun and adventure is part of the ethos of our home; it’s important that those we support can enjoy an active and social lifestyle. Of course, there will always be those who prefer peace and quiet, and in these instances, a cup of tea and a chat are always welcomed.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Alex Leftley

Activities Coordinator

I was working in the print trade when a friend of mine became very unwell and I had to find a nursing home for her. Due to the dedication of the staff, my friend had another 18 months and I was able to take her out after being house bound for many years.

I felt that I wanted to do a job that made a difference and became a carer. I went back to school and redone my GCSE,s and then went onto do my level 3 diploma and am always enhancing my skills and knowledge. I came to Mortain Place as a senior carer on Normandy Gardens and worked my way up to Community Lead. I have chosen to move to the activities team to help support the life enrichment programme and help improve the life experience’s of our residents.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Mortain Place Care Home

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Knitting for Christmas in our community

Our wonderful residents here at Mortain Place have been busy knitting for our local Parish of St.Richards to decorate all local trees for Christmas across the diocese.

Our community have worked hard to help, spending days grafting but all doing something that they love.

The angels will raise much needed funds for the local churches and what a wonderful cause.

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Ladies at lunch

Our care team went above and beyond to take two of our residents out for a meal at our local Thai for Alices' Birthday, in their own time. There was great fun had by all they can't wait to go back!

Play dates with pet pooches

We just love our weekly visits from Hudson the Labradoodle. He is always full of smiles and cuddles and of course we give him a sneaky sweet treat too.

Games afternoon

Who doesn't love a game. We often have board game afternoon's. They can become quite busy and very competitive here at Mortain Place. A chance for everyone to get those thinking caps on and enjoy some light hearted fun.


Coffee, Cake and Current affairs

We love to while away the sunny afternoons by meeting in our Bistro for a good catch up with our friends. The ones we have made and the ones we are yet to make. Making sure everyone is social and included in the fun we have is at the heart of what we do here. Come along and join us one day. The coffee is always hot and the cake is always homemade.

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New arrivals at Mortain Place

After keeping our duck eggs well watered and at the correct temperature with residents and staff doing regular checks on their progress, we were thrilled to have three adorable new arrivals at Mortain Place. These fluffy little darlings have been creating quite a stir throughout the home and are getting  lots of attention.