Activities at Ottley House Care Home

At Ottley House, we offer a person-centred activities programme, and aim to match residents' abilities and interests with meaningful activities of the correct degree of challenge that promotes their health and well-being. We also provide visual, tactile, audible and olfactory sensory experiences. There are weekly music/movement therapy sessions, 'Oomph' sessions, and arts & crafts classes to help improve, maintain and refine motor skills. We enjoy regular visits from entertainers, musicians and animal therapists, as well as pub nights, 'food from around the world' days, and minibus outings to places of interest.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Alex Evans

Activities Coordinator

My name is Alex and I am the Activities Co-ordinator at Ottley house care home.

I am passionate about enhancing the lives of our residents the home and aim to bring a smile to their faces through different types of activities. My personality is warm, enthusiastic, bright and bubbly and i aim to share this each day at work. I am keen to involve the residents in the decision making within the home to enhance their experience through gathering their likes and dislikes. Come and join us for our life enrichment programmes which promote social interaction, mental stimulation and physical well-being.

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Ottley House Care Home

Triple Fun at Ottley House!

Triple Fun at Ottley House!

Sunday was a triple event for Ottley House. We held Armed forces day in the dining room. This was a tribute to both veterans from the past and present. Celebrating our day we had a past veteran who stormed the beaches at Normandy. This gentleman dropped in for a visit with medals present and one of the residents, who was a hurricane pilot and fought in the Battle of Britain, was with us to celebrate the day as well. I myself am a veteran and our kitchen assistant Millen is a veteran who served in the Bulgarian army. Millen has seen front line service in Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia. Millen provided a full write up of his career with photos of his time serving on the front line. Our Receptionist's husband had served in the British Army and again provided photos of his experiences. The dining room was laid up with historical artifacts from World War 2 and current military artifacts from our collective experiences and service.

One of our residents Mrs Olive Banbury wrote a very detailed account of her experience in World War 2. This was titled 'Olives War' and was on display for all to read. The Armed Forces day celebration kicked off at 11:30am with a 40 minute performance by Lula May. Lula was a 1940s period singer who dressed authentically for the occasion. She was fantastic and enjoyed by all the residents.

Throughout the day, we had a tombola, face painting and hook-a-duck running. A buffet lunch was served for dinner time and enjoyed by all our guests and residents. The afternoon’s events kicked off with an Oomph physical training session for residents, relatives and staff. This high-energy exercise performance is run by the Activities Coordinator. Following the Oomph session, we then progressed into Irish bingo and the winner managed to bag £30.

Following the bingo, we drew the raffle. There was an excellent range of prizes, with the top being a DAB audio stereo system. Other prizes included a Laura Ashley handbag and purse, whiskey, wine and numerous other delicacies!

The afternoon saw the arrival of the Shrewsbury Air Training Corps military band. The five piece band played for all the residents in the home. They were enjoyed by all and really added to the military theme of the day. A Queen’s 90th birthday cake was also baked and served to all. The afternoon concluded with singer, Mr. John Edward, undertaking a performance on the Memory Lane unit. Again, this was enjoyed by all.

Ottley House was packed on Sunday, so we managed to conduct two tours; I have never seen Ottley House with so many visitors. The whole home was buzzing with excitement and activity. The day's fundraising events allowed us to raise over £400 in donations, from which a contribution has been made to the Barchester Foundation and the remainder has been put into the resident comfort fund.

The last two days have seen many residents and relatives congratulate the home on the triumph that was achieved. I am exceptionally proud of this home and all the staff and relatives who worked so hard to make the day the success that it was. Roll on the Summer Beach Party!