Activities at Rothsay Grange Care Home

The activities coordinators at Rothsay Grange work 7 days a week to ensure there is a variety of planned group and one to one activities to suit all individual needs. The activities consist of weekly running activities such as chair zumba, Music therapy, an Arts club and many more. We also run a weekly minibus trip to local places of interest giving everyone a chance to have a trip out of the home.

Rothsay Grange also knows how to have a good old tea party alongside some fantastic entertainers and productions that visit the home on a regular basis. Irene and Aimee feel its very important to have the residents that live here to have a fun and fulfilled life and encourage them to attend as many activities as they wish.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Irene & Leah

Activities Coordinators

Irene and Leah have been working together since 2019, and thoroughly enjoy planning and providing activities for our residents. They are a great team and always bring joy and fun to wherever they are in the home.

Leah has worked at Rothsay since she was 16, as an apprentice carer, and has worked her way into a position that she loves.

Irene has many years’ experience in working with vulnerable adults and children, and also started working here as a care assistant several years ago, before moving on to senior carer and then into the activities coordinator role.

Both love seeing the way that residents' lives are enriched with the activities they provide, and love interacting with all the residents in our care.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Rothsay Grange Care Home

Graham and his Karaoke Machine

Graham and his Karaoke Machine

We welcomed back Graham and his Karaoke Machine last week. We only had a small group to start with but as time went on we had a lovely big group to sing along with us. As Graham went through the songs he told us a little about each one, telling us who sung it and when. When 'Knees up Mother Brown' was about to play we were all surprised to hear it was about Queen Victoria and her alleged affair with Mr Brown. 

It was a great afternoon of entertainment and we are all looking forward to his next visit on Monday 22nd October at 2.30pm. 


Winton Academy School

On 10th July, Rothsay Grange welcomed the children from Winton Academy school for their 'making a difference day'.  We had around 16 children and two teachers to help us with the garden, summer house and painting the outside wooden chairs.

The children had a great time this year in the sunshine. Ice creams came out about midday, which went down well. The garden furniture will be looking good for our open day and summer fete on 11th August.

St Swithin's Day

St Swithin's Day

Sunday 15th July was a very hot and sunny one. If the St Swithin’s Day saying is right, we are all hoping for 40 days of sunshine. Residents of Rothsay Grange marked the day by making clouds, sunshine, and posters during Art Club. It was a great day!

Hagley on Safari

Hagley on Safari

Residents at Hagley Place went on safari at the West Midlands Safari Park. We had a fantastic time seeing all of the exotic animals there and, for some of the residents, it was their first time seeing these majestic creatures.

After seeing all the animals, we treated ourselves to a lovely lunch and then, off we went, travelling back in time to the dinosaur exhibit!

Coming back to the present day we found ourselves surrounded by the brightly coloured lorikeets, which flew over our heads and landed on us, enticed by a small pot of nectar!

Tea Beside the Seaside

Tea Beside the Seaside

9th July saw Rothsay Grange welcome back Troubadour Productions, who put on a show for residents called 'Tea Beside the Seaside.

The story was about a couple who had a 10th wedding anniversary; they wanted to celebrate by going back to the cafe they had visited when they first met, which was located in Hastings. The wife, Eve, wanted some time away with husband, Adam, as he was always working, and she worked on the weekend, so they never had time together as a couple. 

Sadly, Adam got a call from work asking him to video a party on a boat and to come in swim wear. They both ended up going to the café for tea dressed in their wedding gowns, which still fit them after 10 years. 

The residents had so much fun seeing the different costume changes and singing along with the songs. They enjoyed a lovely range of cakes and biscuits, which were made by our onsite chefs.

Salvation Army

Salvation Army

After our chocolate filled Saturday we had a visit from Salvation Army on Sunday who came to the home for a singalong. There was just a small group of us this time around but those that came all had a good time! At the end we all had a nice ice cream as it was far too hot for tea! The Salvation Army are here with us every 2nd Sunday of the month. Please call us for more information if needed.