Barchester's Charitable Foundation funds dementia friendly holiday

Dementia Adventure, a charity that helps keep life fun by running supported holidays for people affected by dementia, received a £2,160 grant from Barchester’s Charitable Foundation to fund a five day trip to Northumberland Clavert Trust in Kielder Water.

Barchester’s Charitable Foundation offers grants such as these with the aim of helping older people and adults with a disability across Scotland, Wales and England and were delighted to fund the trip.

Four people living with the condition and their carers were able to enjoy a hugely important break from the difficulties of everyday life and to make new friends while participating in activities, even having a go on a thrilling zipwire!

One woman who attended with her husband said the trip had ‘made a real difference’ as he is now approaching a more advanced stage of dementia.

We all need to take a break once in a while, especially those who care for their partners or relatives and people who are living with a condition that makes daily living a lot more difficult. Yet taking these holidays is often harder than you might think.

One of the carers who joined the trip explained: “Living in a dementia household can be difficult at times. You can’t go on mainstream holidays anymore because people haven’t got the time or the patience for you.”

Another carer said: “We’d go places and people would look at us strangely, particularly my husband not being able to speak very well.”

Dementia Adventure are tackling this issue with holidays such as the recent trip to Northumberland Clavert Trust where holidaymakers are supported by an Adventure Leader and staff and volunteers who have received specialised training from Dementia Adventure. 

For more information about Barchester's Charitable Foundation and how to apply for a grant please visit:

For more information about Dementia Adventure, please visit: