Activities at Glenroyd Care Home

Here at the Glenroyd our specialist activities staff are committed to organising a mix of activities and events for residents and the local community to get involved in, including trips out to local places of interest in our minibus and visits from entertainers and musicians. Everyone is different and gets pleasure from different things and here at Glenroyd we understand that and therefore try to provide a programme of activity that is tailored to individuals needs. We do this by gathering information and life history work and using that information to feed into our activities schedule. We also encourage relatives to join with activities and events as often as they can.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Agata Prendota

Activities Coordinator

Hi, my name is Agata Prendota and I am the activities coordinator here at Glenroyd. I have worked at Glenroyd since 2014 and in April 2022 transferred to activities. I developed a strong relationship with many of our residents and their families. This has helped me to create a tailored activities program focused on maximizing everyone’s wellbeing, independence, and social engagement.

It is my goal to create a stimulating environment that enables to provide imaginative, fun, and motivational activities that suit every interest and ability. My infectious enthusiasm and creative approach are the key to inspire our residents and staff to get involved in activities both within the home and in the local community.

 I am passionate about my role and especially the challenge of coming up with new ways to engage as many residents as possible in daily activities.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Glenroyd Care Home

V&A Dundee virtual talk on history of robots

We enjoyed a wonderful virtual introduction to the world of robots with V&A Dundee Curator, Kirsty Hassard.

Kirsty talked us through the history of robots and their early beginnings, the presentation traced the fascination of all things wired and wonderful and considered what the future might hold for our relationship with a multitude of mechanical machines.

It was absolutely thrilling to learn what robots can do now and what they might be able to do in the future.

Hidden jewels of Blenheim

We had a lovely time exploring the amazing gardens of Blenheim Palace through a virtual talk, hosted by the Historian - Antonia Keaney.

We enjoyed a virtual look at how the gardens at Blenheim have developed over the past 300 years - from the formality of Henry Wise through to the ‘natural’ landscape created by Capability Brown and beyond.

Everyone was very impressed by the many jewels hidden within the 150 acres of beautiful gardens.

Dartmoor Zoo

We were able to virtually dive into the impressive wildlife of Dartmoor Zoo.

We explored its grounds and learnt about the unique history of the park from the zoo’s educational team. The culmination of the tour was the live tiger training demonstration, which was wonderful to see and enjoyed by all.

Our residents were delighted to see amazing photos and short videos of the animals and take a peek inside their home.

Virtual trip to Iceland

We took a wonderful virtual trip to Iceland’s Puffin Rescue Centre at the Beluga Whale Sanctuary.

We were able to virtually meet some of the rescued Atlantic Puffins and to learn interesting facts about their care and unique lives. We took a peek into their lives in the wild, the Puffling rescue program in the Westman Islands, and how SEA LIFE Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary’s team takes care of these charismatic little birds each day.

It was a very exciting experience, enjoyed by all.

WW2 virtual talk with Blenheim Palace

Ahead of Armed Forces Day, we were transported back in time for a World War II themed talk and tour of Blenheim Palace, hosted by Antonia Keaney, the Palace’s social historian and author.

Entitled ‘Evacuees and Espionage,’ Antonia’s wartime themed talk focused on how the Marlborough family, estate staff and the Palace itself played a full and energetic part in the war effort.

The talk and tour told the story of how the Palace prepared for the worst, survived the onslaught of 400 boys being evacuated to Blenheim and kept the secrets of MI5.  

It was a lovely experience, enjoyed by all.

Residents enjoy tour of Hereford Cathedral

We had a lovely time joining the team from Hereford Cathedral for an exciting virtual session.

We enjoyed a glimpse of this spectacular building and its treasures in a series of short pre-recorded videos. From the stunning gardens which lead down to the River Wye, to the Mappa Mundi and Chained Library.

It was wonderful to learn more about the history and beauty of Hereford Cathedral.

Upcoming events

Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em - Virtual Event

The Barn Theatre in the Cotswolds is streaming its stage adaptation of this beloved sitcom straight in to our lounge, for us to enjoy from the comfort of our armchairs.

Barchester's Big Quiz - Live Virtual Event

Calling all quizzers!

Join us for an exciting quiz to test your general knowledge and see who is the biggest brainbox of them all!