Activities at Marriott House and Lodge Care Home

Activities are the cornerstone of a wholesome home experience and our Activities Coordinators are always putting their creative minds to the test by organising new and exciting social events for residents to partake in. Of course, we take into account the likes and dislikes of those we support, so if someone doesn’t feel like trying something new, there will always be something on offer to reflect their personal interests. For the people who may just prefer some peace and quiet instead, we also offer one-to-one time that can be enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee or just a simple chat – whatever they desire.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.
Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Marriott House and Lodge Care Home

Raising money for Cancer Research

The team at Marriott House took part in a skipping challenge to raise money for cancer research. They successfully completed 150 skips per day for 1 month and raised over £100 for the charity. 

The Grand National

For The Grand National, the residents and staff at Marriott House took to their home made hobby horses and competed in their own race! 

Ballet Dancers

We had a visit from 'The Rosemary Bell Academy of Dance'. The Ballet dancers did the most wonderful performance and the residents enjoyed every minute of it. 

Fashion Week

Staff and residents had a brilliant time celebrating London Fashion Week recently. They donned fashion items from different decades and to make things even more exciting, the home held their very own fashion Show

Pancake Day

We really enjoyed pancake day. The residents all had a go a flipping their pancakes they then sat down and ate as many as they possibly could with their favourite toppings.

Zoo Lab!

We always enjoy visits from Zoo lab. They bring so many wonderful creatures and they are so fascinating! 

Upcoming events

Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em - Virtual Event

The Barn Theatre in the Cotswolds is streaming its stage adaptation of this beloved sitcom straight in to our lounge, for us to enjoy from the comfort of our armchairs.

Barchester's Big Quiz - Live Virtual Event

Calling all quizzers!

Join us for an exciting quiz to test your general knowledge and see who is the biggest brainbox of them all!