Activities at Reigate Beaumont Care Home

Our specialist activities staff are committed to organising and delivering a fun mix of activities and events chosen by the residents here at Reigate Beaumont. We work closely with the local community who get involved in all kinds of activities within the home. We enjoy all kinds of events which could be anything from trips out to local places of interest in our minibus or visits from entertainers and musicians, spending time in our beautiful gardens, or providing great activities for the mind body and soul. We liaise with local churches and regularly hold multi-congregational services at the home.

It is important to us that each individual who we support can get as much from these as possible, so we try our best to arrange activities that reflect their interests and capabilities, and encourage them to participate in any way they can. We also encourage relatives to join with activities and invite them to our regular events. We also have a variety of volunteers who really enjoy spending time within the home too.

Enriching life
Watch our video on life enrichment in our homes.

Karyn Borngräber

Activities Coordinator

Each resident is unique and as an Activity Coordinator, I aim to create meaningful activities whereby residents can feel at home. From quizzes to games, stretch classes to flower arranging, reminiscing to enjoying our beautiful gardens. From musicians to Namaste sessions, outings, intergenerational and community involvement – a balanced activity program of body, mind and soul allows each resident to feel as if they have purpose and meaning in their lives. As well as sitting and having meaningful one to one engaged conversation or holding your loved ones hand – can allow a resident to feel that Reigate Beaumont is their home. With a background as a Healthcare Assistant, we are taught to provide person centred care. This has helped me to provide person centred activities.

Life-encriching activities booklet

Read our brochure 'Life-enriching activities' for more information about life in our care homes.
Read our brochure

Activities and Events Partnerships

As part of our bespoke life-enrichment programmes, we host a number of live virtual events in the home on a regular basis through a number of partnerships with places of interest and world class performance companies

Life at Reigate Beaumont Care Home

D-Day 80!

Today we honoured the sacrifices of D-Day by remembering, reflecting and giving thanks. Together with relatives and residents, we enjoyed chatting about the significance of this day over cake and tea. It was moving to hear stories from residents that remembered what is was like being a child over 80 years ago. Some interesting facts were discussed about details surrounding D-Day and we all enjoyed a fun quiz with some surprising answers! It was a lovely day, spent with loved ones, celebrating a very important day on the British calendar.

Rainy Day Friday!

A little bit of rain didn't stop us from venturing out for a lovely drive and stopping at Denbies Wine Estate for some refreshments. Residents enjoyed a

delicious slice of Lemon Loaf with a lovely hot drink followed by browsing around their unique Wine & Gift Shop. The Art Gallery also had some beautiful works of art on display and the vineyards were stunning to look at. Outings are always a great way to connect with residents on another level and what is better than chatting over a lovely cuppa together!

Spring Bank Holiday!

It may be a quiet Spring Bank Holiday for some, but here at Reigate Beaumont - we were letting the 'good times roll' with Billy Fox singing a fantastic variety of songs. We surely have started the week off with a BANG! Our staff always join in with activities, especially with music and with staff with loads of energy around, there is lots of dancing and singing along with the residents. Which they absolutely love! Our residents love listening to all kinds of music and we have a musician entertaining residents every week. What fun! 

27th Anniversary!

Reigate Beaumont celebrated 27 years today of giving outstanding care and support within Reigate and Surrey! We opened our doors to our community and welcomed new visitors, whom got to speak to staff and residents while enjoying a lovely cup of tea and cake! Thank you to our Senior Regional Director Jayne Holloway, Dr Lucy Rawson, Spencer Copping from Reigate Business Guild Reigate Business Guild, Conservative candidate for Reigate Cllr Rebecca Paul and all our other visitors for visiting us on this day.

Remembering VE Day!

Residents at Reigate Beaumont spent the day remembering VE Day and discussing their memories of World War II. Younger residents reminisced about stories their parents told them of the war and what life was like. It was lovely to hear from the residents that could remember VE Day and all the celebrations that took place. Later on in the day residents enjoyed a quiz and lovely afternoon cake, cupcakes and a cup of tea/coffee prepared by our Senior Head Chef Roman.

Lovely morning out!

Reigate Beaumont residents enjoyed a lovely morning out to Newlands Corner in the mini-bus. We have a large picnic basket which we pack full of goodies to enjoy whilst we are out and about. The route to Newlands Corner is such a lovely drive as well and as one resident commented: "Lush and green!" We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and chatted to other visitors to Newlands Corner. Motor-bikes were a hot topic as there were many motorbikes about.